A set of skills individuals perform within situations and contexts. These skills help individuals communicate and interact appropriately with others.
Social Skills
Providing a visual and/or verbal example of performing a skill that allows students to first see it in action before doing it.
instruction in which the content, methodology, or delivery of the instruction is individually adapted to address the student’s disability-related needs so the student can access, engage, and make progress in the general education curriculum and meet the standards and expectations that apply to all students of the same age or grade.
Specially Designed Instruction
Students are provided with opportunities to interact with concepts throughout the lesson in a meaningful way and in a variety of activities
Active Engagement
A way to explicitly teach behaviors to students who need social skills development. This includes assessment, planning, direct instruction, practice, and generalization.
Social Skills Instruction
A form of modeling in which the teacher verbalizes the thought process for completing a task or performing a mental process.
A process of adding or removing supports for students to master concepts.
The times teachers provide for students to actively participate during instruction to keep them engaged and learning at high rates.
Opportunities to Respond (OTRs)
Refers to how others evaluate an individual's ability to perform specific social skills across situations and contexts.
Social Competence
A framework for designing instruction with the end goal in mind before developing lessons and teaching them.
Backward Design/Understanding by Design (UbD)
Focuses on moral and ethical values and dimensions such as responsibility, trustworthiness, respect, and citizenship. Definitions may vary widely, depending on life experiences and background.
Character Education