The amount of days after case transfer that the FFA-o is due
What is 30
What is personal and caregiving behavioral, cognitive, and emotional characteristics that can be specifically and directly associated with being protective of ones young.
The smart model
Specific, Measurable, attainable, reasonable, timely
Progress updates are completed
what is every 90 days, at critical junctures, and when a JR is being completed
Special circumstances and family conditions
What is Domestic violence, Parent childhood history of abuse or neglect, substance abuse, mental illness, assistance with verbal and written communication, criminal behavior, developmental delays
Stages of child development
birth-3, preschool, school age, adolescent
The Florida state statue chapter 39-permenancy
What is reunification, Adoption, Permanent Guardianship, Placement with a fit and willing relative, Placement in another planned permanent livign arrangement
The outcomes assessment on the progress update
what is excellent, adequate, no progress, not evaluated
The Stages of change
What is precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, action
scaled for the child needs
Concurrent case planning
what is working toward a primary permanency goal while at the same time establishing an alternative permanency goal for the child
Results in progress evaluation
What is no change, change in safety plan, change in family time, change in case plan
Purpose of the FFA-O
What is to evaluate family conditions and how these conditions are influencing danger threats, child needs, and caregiver protective capacities.
The danger statement
What is to understand what must be different for parents in order for intervention to cease
Involved in constructing the case plan
Parent, child 14 and over, case manager
Judicial review includes review of
family change strategies, visitation/family time, placement, additional child info, review summary
The focus of introduction activates
What is to build report, learn about the family, provide info to the family, developing a trust based working relationship.
Family Goal
What is to identify and verbalize how the family will be functioning when all the children are safe , including considering of barriers, support and ideas for intervention
planning case closure-who to contact
who is the parent, the safety monitor, the GAL, service provider, supervisor