This disease prevented Europeans to venture into Africa for a period
A conflict that happens within a country. Many happened in Africa due to the instability left behind by Europe
Civil War
Define apartheid
Separation of Races (White vs. Non - White)
First black President of South Africa. Symbolically ended Apartheid
Nelson Mandela
Movement to unify Africa and Africans
The reason for the Berlin Conference
PEACEFULLY partition Africa among the European powers
Region of Sudan that was apart of a genocide. Fighting still occurs in this region.
How did Apartheid Begin?
British and Dutch agreed on the policy of Apartheid after conflicts with each other
Name the Dutch used to refer to themselves over time in South Africa.
Strong pride for your country
Which 2 countries colonized the most land in Africa?
Great Britain and France
conflict between the Afrikaners and British in South Africa from 1898-1902
Boer War
Name 2 effects Apartheid had on the non white population
Segretaed facilities
No interracial marriage
Economic and Social Inequality
Lack of Education etc.
White president of South Africa who worked to end Apartheid
F.W. deKlerk
What was the worlds reaction to Apartheid in South Africa?
Disapproved. Imposed economic sanctions and trade barriers on South Africa
the 5 reasons for colonizing Africa
Natural Resources
Name of people who are left homeless due to conflicts or natural disasters
Name one important person to Apartheid
Nelson Mandela
F.W. deKlerk
W.E.B. Dubois
which 2 ethnic groups had conflict in the Rwanda Genocide? (circle the one who the Belgians showed favoritism towards)
Hutus and (Tutsis)
What it is called when one country rules another country usually by force
Imperialism / Colonialism
Which 2 African countries remained independent?
Ethiopia and Liberia
Targeted mass murder of a specific ethnic group or race
What year was the consitution rewritten and Apartheid officially outlawed
Rebel group who fought for Kenyas Independence
Mau Mau
What was the Rule of occupation
For a European country to claim land in Africa they had to prove that they were already established there