As Low As Reasonably Achievable
Name 2 things that we should do prior to taking radiographs that will assist in protecting the patient from excessive radiation
Follow ALARA guidelines; lead/apron/thyroid collar, stepwedge; proper machine exposure settings
What is collimation?
Restricts size and shape of xray beam
When should the Radiographer avoid the primary beam?
For children who are scared/uncooperative, what's one way to still get an image?
Have child sit on parent, both covered with lead apron for exposure
It's a lymph tissue and therefore radiosensitive
Who prescribes dental images?
What 2 shapes do collimators come in?
Round; Rectangular
What 3 ways can the operator avoid the beam?
Distance, Position, Shielding
Should pregnant women ever have radiographs?
Only when the benefit outweighs the risks! Avoid the first trimester (why?) and always use a lead apron
Traditional film imaging uses film speed. Which film speed is the slowest? Fastest?
A is slowest; F is fastest
What does the Xray tubehead have that helps reduce radiation to the patient?
Aluminim filters, lead collimator, PID
What images do we take the collimator off for when learning at UFV? Why?
Bitewings; to prevent cone cut and the potential for additional radiation with a re-take
We will try and use the collimator on patients as best we can
How many ft/meters should the operator be from the primary beam?
What radiographic technique is most commonly used with during endo appts? Why?
Bisecting......usually they have a file in their canal!
What benefits do beam alignment devices (Rinn's) have?
Parallelism, reduced need for retakes, less geometric distortions etc
What is inherent filtration?
Takes place when the primary beam passes through the glass window of the x-ray tube, the insulating oil, and the tubehead seal
What is the law in which governs radiography?
Safety Code 30
What position should the operator be at the avoid the primary beam?
•Avoid the primary beam by standing either perpendicular or at a 90- to 135-degree angle to the beam
What can we use to make it more comfortable for an edentulous pt and also ensure we get the image we need?
Cotton rolls in edentulous areas
The inverse square law means?
•inversely proportional: One variable increases, the other decreases)
ie. exposure time decreased, mA increased etc
Why is added filtration needed on an xray machine?
•Filter out longer wavelength, lower energy x-rays from the x-ray beam
•Filtration results in a higher-energy and more penetrating useful beam
What is the MPD for occupationally exposed persons? What is the MPD for non-0ccupationally exposed persons?
•MPD for occupationally exposed persons is varies from 20 - 50 mSv/year (0.05 Sv/year or 5.0 rem/year)
•For nonoccupationally exposed persons it is 1mSv/year (0.1 rem/year)
What is a dosimeter?
A rdn badge worn to assess the amount of radiation being received by the operator
Name 2 ways to prevent gagging?
Salt on tongue/floor of mouth, work quickly, breath thru nose, ice cubes etc