The Power of Knowing What People "Actually" Want
"Big Data,
Bigger Insights"
From Data
to Decision
Respect your Participants
No Jedi Mind Tricks
The Art of Listening
(Really, Really Closely)
The Art of Snooping

All marketing research involves the use this method?

What is the scientific method?


Information that is provided when a marketing manager needs it to make an important decision is said to be...

What is timely


Research that is conducted to identify cause-and-effect relationships variables is called

What is causal research


The attempt to decide what is "right" and what is "wrong" in the conduct of marketing research studies

What is Ethics

This type of research is unstructured, free flowing with a small number of consumers in a session that is conducted by a moderator

What is focus group


Data collected previously for a different research study is know as

What is secondary data


A firm focusing on how to provide value to customers on the physical product or production process embraces this orientation

What is marketing orientation


Parties that furnish information on the internet are called.

What is content providers


When considering a study, researchers should search for these types of reports withing the company's archives.

What is previous research


The practice of ensuring personal information in the research will not be shared for others. 

What is Confidentiality


This is the document that is created to outline the deliverables of reserach

What is a Discussion Guide/Research Guide

Tracking industry unit sales over the past twelve months is a form of

What is market research

This step is last in developing a marketing strategy

What is analyzing firm's performance


A company's private computer network that uses Internet standards but which is accessible only by it's own employees.

What is an intranet


These individuals pretend to be customers while observing and recording data of their purchase experience

What are Mystery shoppers


A session in which research subjects are fully informed and provided with a chance to ask any questions  that they may have about the experiment.

Also a session for the researchers and clients to collaborate on insights they gathered to inform the final report

What is a debriefing session?


This approach asks respondents to compare differences between brands and probes respondents to discuss at different levels

What is laddering


The use of secondary data is the study of relationships between two variables

What is model building


A company that employs a total quality strategy must evaluate itself through the eyes of what group.

What is consumer or customer


The subset of information that actually had explanatory power enabling effective decisions to be made is called.

What is market intelligence


This function of research is checking the data collection forms to correct omissions, illegibly written responses and the consistency of answers. 

What is editing


This occurs when one researcher works for two competing companies and working for one could be detrimental to the other

What is conflict of interest

A graphical depiction of the frequency with words occur in a research session 

What is a word cloud

This use of secondary data is predicting next months dollar sales based on past sales for the previous twelve months

What is a sales forecast


Using data indicating the positive or negative mentions of a brand on the internet to assess and understand the strength of a brand is called what type of research

Online/social sentiment analysis


This occurs when one company's computer system is integrated with another company's computer system.

What is an electronic data interchange (EDI)


When data form a research study are consistent with a hypothesis, we say the hypothesis is

What is supported

This type of marketing research supplier develops standardized information for many different clients 
What is syndicated research supplier

Research that address marketing objectives through techniques that allow the researcher to provide elaborate interpretations of marketing phenomena without depending on numerical measurement

What is qualitative research


Using CRM systems to create 1-to-1 relationships with customers for specific promotions is an example of what type of marketing

What is database marketing
