Beverages will be permitted on the call center floor, if they are in a ____________.
Spill Proof Container
What is the process for resetting your Agent WebStation password?
Email/IM a Supervisor
Not enough wages during the base period
Non-Valid Claim
Date the claim was effective.
Effective Date
Who oversees the Unemployment Insurance Program in the United States?
Gum is not permitted on the call floor, but __________ is okay if it does not interfere with customer communication.
Hard Candy
To clear my Alerts list in Agent WebStation, I should:
Click Acknowledge Alerts
All benefits have been paid on the claim
Unable to receive benefits due to a decision on the claim.
Who administers the Unemployment Insurance Program?
While jeans are allowed every day, you must wear a __________ shirt.
Business Casual
If my schedule is wrong, I should contact:
My Supervisor
Number of weeks eligible to receive benefits.
Unable to receive benefits due to a decision on the claim.
Valid Claim
_____ is a federal unemployment tax that is paid by employers that funds the administrative cost of UI.
Failure to work a complete scheduled shift due to being absent, leaving early or arriving late unscheduled is an __________ and will be tracked to identify patterns and to address performance issues.
Attendance Occurrence
The correct phone number for the Occurrence Reporting Line is:
Lives in a border state and works in VA
Extended Benefits
_____ is a state tax paid by employers that establishes Virginia's UI Trust Fund from which UI benefits are paid.
Absentee notification should be made between the hours of _________________.
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
If I came into work after reporting my absence on the Occurrence Reporting line, I should:
Complete the Ready to Work Form as quickly as possible and begin working.
Claim year has ended
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
To receive benefits, what 3 qualifications must the claimant meet?
Monetary, Separation and Weekly