an automatic response to a stimulus
The gross motor skills of a two year old include
kicking a large ball
Reciting numbers in their proper order
rote counting
Techniques children use to remember information
routines are
everyday experiences
when an infant is placed on his feet, his legs move in a walking motion
Stepping Reflex
A two year old is most likely to play
next to, but not with other children
with also known as ______
The ability to speak clear pronounced sounds
Being aware of others distress and wanting to help them
showing a picture of an outdoor area
visual signal
when placing a finger on the lips or mouth the infant will
Sucking Reflex
putting shoes on
A four year old's self help skills usually include
distinguishing from the front and back of clothing
ability to see objects at a distance rather than close up
playing a cord or an instrument
infants turn their head toward anything that brushes their face
Rooting Reflex
By two children can follow ____ step instructions
When four year old's draw they
draw the picture first then decide what it is
the ability to arrange items in increasing or decreasing order based of volume, size, or weight
Telling on child to go to the snack table
individual transition
occurs when an infant is startled by a noise or sudden movement
Moro Relfex
physically a three year old masters
walking for steps heel to toe
Decides what they want to draw then draws it
Five year old
the use of logic based on what you have seen or experienced.
concrete operation
transition used when lights are blinked is called
visual signal