How does a fish breathe in water?
A fish breathes by drawing water into its mouth and passing that water through the gills. In the gills, dissolved oxygen from the water is absorbed. Then water exits the fish's body through slits in the gills.
Briefly describe the amphibian life cycle.
First, the embryos develop inside eggs. They hatch as either a tadpole or a larva. The tadpole or larva undergoes metamorphosis to develop into an adult. The adult matures, mates, and lays eggs so that the cycle can begin again.
What are the four main group of reptiles?
The four main group of reptiles are crocodilians, tortoises and turtles, snakes, and lizards.
What are the three characteristics that enable birds to be so efficient at flight?
Birds are efficient at flight due to their feathers, hollow bones, and strong breast muscles.
Explain how the three groups of mammals (placental, marsupial, and Monotreme) differ in the way that they reproduce?
In placental mammals, , the female's placenta provides all the nutrients for the growing baby. They give birth to fully formed young.
Marsupial mammals give birth to poorly developed young, which find their way into a pouch for the remainder of the development.
Monotreme lay eggs, unlike any other mammals.
Basic classes of the Phyla Chordata and their basic characteristics: Fish (4 characteristics)
Live in water
Covered with scales
Breathe through gills
Basic classes of the Phyla Chordata and their basic characteristics: Amphibians (3 characteristics)
Live on land and water
Have soft skin
Basic classes of the Phyla Chordata and their basic characteristics: Birds (4 characteristics)
Lay eggs
Have feathers
Have wings
Basic classes of the Phyla Chordata and their basic characteristics: Reptiles (3 characteristics)
Lay eggs
Covered with scales
Basic classes of the Phyla Chordata and their basic characteristics: Mammals (3 characteristics)
Feed their young milk
Covered with fur