What is the syllable division for the word comic?
com/ic - it follows the VC/V pattern
Which of these words follows the VC/V pattern?
A) garden
B) Spanish
C) basket
B) Span/ish (VC/V)
What does a VC/V syllable pattern mean?
It’s a pattern where a vowel (V) is followed by a consonant (C) and then another vowel (V).
This word means "something you use to clean floors."
vac/uum (V/CV)
Which of these words does NOT follow a VC/V syllable pattern?
A) silent
B) linen
B) menu
A) silent (V/CV)
How would you divide the word "epic" into syllables?
ep/ic - it follows the VC/V pattern
Which word is divided into syllables with a VC/V pattern?
A) parrot
B) limit
C) pilot
B) lim/it (VC/V)
What is the main rule for dividing words that follow the VC/V syllable pattern?
The word is usually divided between the consonant following a vowel and the following vowel.
lim/it (VC/V)
A) timid
B) static
C) rodent
C) ro/dent (V/CV)
You split the VC/V word "punish" how?
pun/ish (VC/V)
Which word has a VC/V syllable pattern?
A) helmet
B) music
C) comet
C) com/et (VC/V)
If you divide the word “market” correctly, does it follows the VC/V pattern?
If you feel queasy you might need to?
vom/it (VC/V)
One of these words is NOT VC/V. And the word is...
A) lavish
B) polish
C) jumbo
C) jum/bo (VC/CV)
How do you split the word "vomit" into syllables?
"vom/it" - It follows the VC/V pattern.
Which of these words has a VC/V syllable division?
A) napkin
B) pencil
C) polish
C) pol/ish
When you see a consonant between two vowels, what syllable pattern might you expect?
It can be something you read, something you draw, or someone who tells jokes.
com/ic (VC/V)
Quick! Which of these words is NOT V/CV?
A) cabin
B) Wisconsin
C) mystic
B) Wis/consin (VC/CV)
What is the syllable division for the word "lavish"?
"lav/ish" - it follows the VC/V pattern
One of these words is not like the others...one is VC/V. And that word is...
A) blemish
B) impress
C) splendid
A) blem/ish (VC/V)
Can the VC/V syllable pattern help you figure out how to pronounce the word “cabin” (long or short vowel sound)?
Yes, it shows you that the first syllable has a short vowel sound. (ca/bin)
It's a material jeans are made from.
den/im (VC?V)
I've got one word for you that ISN'T VC/V. Which one is it?
A) contact
A) con/tact (VC/CV)