Remove the _____ from the sliver
find the verse
Don’t you know that you are Gods temple and that Gods spirit lives in you? If anyone destroys Gods temple, God will destroy him; for Gods temple is sacred, and you are that temple
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
Which 2 sets of brothers are mentioned when the book was talking about hatred?
The Bible is a ______ for our salvation
According to this chapter, In one word, why did we cone down from Heaven?
The ______ of one person May cause a great hindrance in the gospel of God
Which 2 people does it mention purified Gods temple?
King Josiah and King Hezekiah
2 types of faith specifically mentioned
What is manna made out of?
Wafers with honey
Arrogance is like spiritual _____
What does is say is the only way we can specifically enter heaven as?
In chapter 19: We can achieve salvation through______
What did the coach want his player to do?
Find the verse: I tell you in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 righteous persons who do not need to repent
Luke 15:7
What did Moses do that God rebuked him?
He spoke as if he had the power to bring water from the rock
According to proverbs, how many things does the Lord “HATE”?
Double points if you know how many are “detestable” to the Lord
Hate = 6
detestable = 7
what thing did the king specifically give to the people to see if they were honest?
Flower seeds
According to 1 John 3:11-16
why did Cain kill Abel?
Because cains actions were evil and Abel’s were righteous
What was the main point of the experiment with the $10 bill being placed in front of peoples homes?
How we should have gratitude
Find the verse: but what about you? He asked, who do you say I am? Simon peter answered, you are the Christ, the son of the living God. Jesus replied, Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man but by my father in heaven.
mark 16:15-17
Whose sin caused a whole nation to be punished?
Do not call anything _____ that God has made____
double points if you know the book and chapter of this verse
Acts 6What subject led many members to baptism in Korea?
Double points if you know how many fruit were born and in how many days is mentioned
Jerusalem mother
70 fruit in 3 days
What 2 words did Paul use to describe the hearts of those who are storing up Gods wrath against themselves?
Stubbornness and unrepentant
According to this chapter: If we become arrogant what will God take away from us?