In the safe category on Mrs. Maslowska's Matrix, what will you find written in each section?
Calm body or stay seated
How do we show that we are responsible in the bathroom?
use the restroom and return promptly to class
What is the max voice level you can have in the cafeteria?
Before the ride, how do we show we are safe?
Wait at a safe distance and wait for the bus driver to signal to get on the bus.
When waiting in the cafeteria, how do we show we are safe?
Keep my body to myself.
How do we show we are safe while walking in line or throughout the hallway?
Calm body, walk facing forward and stay in line
How do we show we are responsible in the cafeteria?
eat my lunch and clean up my area
How do we show we are respectful in the bathroom?
respect others’ privacy
During the ride how do we show we are safe?
Keep my hands to myself
Keep my voice level low
When waiting, how do we show we are respectful in the cafeteria?
I can quietly talk to the person next to me.
I will be silent when the bell rings.
How do we show we are safe in the cafeteria?
keep my hands/feet to myself and stay in my own space
How do we show that we are responsible during independent work?
Trying even if you are unsure
Ask for help when needed
During group work how do we show we are respectful?
Voice level 0-2
Letting everyone participate
During the bus ride, how do we show we are respectful?
Use appropriate language.
Treat others with kidness.
When leaving the cafeteria, how can we show we are responsible?
I will take all of my things with me.
I can quietly wave goodbye to my friends when I leave.
How do we show we are safe during recess?
Use equipment appropriately and keep my hands/feet to myself
How do we show that we are responsible during transitions?
Grab everything you need
Clean up your area quickly
How can we show we are respectful during arrival?
Voice level 0-2
Greet others with a smile or say good morning
During the ride, how so we show we are responsible?
Follow driver instructions.
Know my stop
Keep items and food in my backpack
Use technology responsibly
When entering the cafeteria how can we show we are responsible?
I will sit in a spot and stay there.
I will have my bag packed including food and drinks.
Why is it important to be safe?
Answer may vary but something along the lines of so people do not get hurt.
How do we show we are responsible during the lesson?
Participating actively
Following along the lesson
Why is it important to show we are respectful?
Why is it important to be safe, respectful, and responsible on the bus?
Answers may vary. To ensure the driver can keep their eyes on the road and we can get home and to school safely.
Why is it important to follow the cafeteria dismissal matrix?
Answers may vary. To make sure no confusion happens and we can get home safely.