Every variation in the landscape
Lines that separate colors on a relief map
contour lines
The source of a river
Mountains are often formed by these two forces
faulting and folding
Most obvious motion of the earth
Define aquifer
An underground layer of water-bearing rock or sediment from which groundwater can be extracted
Formed by plate tectonics and mantle activity
Hawaiian islands
A violent upheaval or change in the earth's crust
Angel Falls holds this record
Highest waterfall in the world
Mountain range that stretches from Alaska to South America
Western Cordillera
Define solstice
point at which the sun reaches its greatest angular distance from the equator
The Panama Canal was constructed by what country and connects what two bodies of water
United States; Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
Mountain ranges and rivers are examples of geographic features the often form
natural borders
Define mestizos
People of mixed Spanish and Indian ancestry
Canada claims this about the Arctic Ocean
It is part of their territorial waters