are longer than they are wide; have expanded ends called epiphyses
a long
b short bone
c flat bone
long bones
a ax
b condyl
c lamell
Bones are connected to bones by ________________.
a tendons
b ligaments
c articulation
8 cranial and 14 facial bones
a skull
b middle ear bones
c vertebral column bones
a odont
b ax
c lamell
are short or cube shaped so lengths and widths are roughly equal
a round bone
b short bone
c irregular bone
short bones
a sieve
b intra
c odont
Muscles are connected to bones by ________.
malleus, stapes, incus
a middle ear bones
b skull
c thoracic cage bones
middle ear bones
joint socket
a glen
b inter
c for
have broad surfaces for protection of organs and attachments of muscles
a flat bone
b long bone
c short bone
flat bones
vinegar cup
a acetubal
b ax
c poie
Where two bones meet one another is usually called joint or ______________
a articulation
b tendons
c ligaments
supports tongue, attaches muscles that move tongue
a hyoid bone
b middle ear bone
c vertebral column bone
hyoid bone
a intra
b fov
c poie
All bones not falling into previous categories
Include vertebrae and some skull bones
a round bone
b flat bone
c irregular bone
irregular bones
thin plate
a lamell
b intra
c inter
How do muscles produce movement of a joint?
a must be attached to two or different bones
b must be attached to one
c attached to none
The muscles must be attached to two or different bones involved in the joint.
surround spinal cavity
a vertebral column bones
b hyoid bone
c long bone
vertebral column bones
a passage
b ax
c lamell
Small and nodular; embedded within tendons adjacent to joints
a round bone
b long bone
c short bone
sesamoid or round bones
a clast
b ax
c glen
Give an example of the bones and muscles working together to cause bending at a joint, then straightening at the joint.
a articulation
b contraction of the biceps
A contraction of the biceps coupled with a relaxation of the triceps produces a bend at the elbow.
surround thoracic cavity and include the ribs and sternum
a thoracic cage bones
b short bones
c vertebral column bones
thoracic cage bones
make, produce
a poie
b crist
c inter