General Brachial Plexus
Motions & nerves
Pathologies/ Nerves of the BP

The upper subscapular, thoracodorsal, lower subscapular, axillary, and radial nerve come off this cord.

What is the posterior cord?


Loss of shoulder abduction, and weakened shoulder lateral rotation indicate loss of this nerve. 

What is the axillary nerve?

(Deltoid, teres minor)


This injury will present as "claw hand" (the proximal phalanges are hyperextended, and the middle and distal phalanges are in extreme flexion) 

What is loss of the intrinsic muscles due to ulnar nerve damage?

Occurs from compressing the radial nerve as it spirals around the humerus (falling asleep with arm over chair)

What is saturday night palsy?

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrom and what is being compressed?

The compression of (9tendons 1 nerve) in the tunnel formed by the transverse carpal ligament and the carpal bones. 

Median nerve

Flexor digitorum superficialis (4) 

Flexor digitorum profundus (4)

Flexor Policis longus


The long thoracic nerve comes off these roots

What are C5,C6,C7


Loss of elbow flexion, and weakened supination indicates injury to this nerve

What is the musculocutaneous n?

(coracobrachialis, biceps, brachialis) 


This nerve includes all the wrist & hand extensors 

What is the Radial n


Loss of wrist extension, and weakened ability to release objects resulting from a high radial nerve injury such as a mid-humeral fracture

What is wrist drop?

The weakening of this nerve causes Scapular winging.
What is the long thoracic nerve?
The median nerve comes from these 2 cords

What are the lateral and medial cords?


Loss of elbow, wrist, finger and thumb extension indicates injury to this nerve.

What is the radial nerve?

(triceps, anconeus, brachioradialis, supinator, wrist, finger and thumb extensors and abductors)


These 2 nerves contribute to DIP,PIP, and MCP flexion of the 1st-4th finger

What are the median & ulnar nerve (median 1-2, ulnar 3-4)

A condition occuring when the ulnar nerve crosses the medial border of the elbow as the nerve runs through a bony passageway on the elbow. It presents with tingling in the ring and small finger. 

What is cubital tunnel syndrome?


A group of disorders that occur when the nerves of the BP and/or subclavian artery and vein become compressed in the thoracic outlet.

What is thoracic outlet syndrome?


This nerve comes off of the superior trunk

What is the suprascapular n.
Injury to this nerve presents as 

-Loss of forearm pronation

-Loss of thumb opposition, flexion, and abduction (ape hand), weakened wrist flexors (radial side), weakened wrist radial deviation.

-Weakened 2nd & 3rd finger flexion (pope's benediction)

What is the median nerve?

(pronators, wrist and finger flexors on radial side, most thumb muscles, 1st & 2nd lumbrical) 


Loss of this nerve would result in a loss of thumb opposition and inability to pronate

What is the median nerve?

An injury at what nerve and at what level results in the loss of thumb opposition which presents as "ape hand"

What is the median nerve, at the wrist/thenar level?


An injury that can occur following a stretch or compression from a blow to the head

What is burner/stinger syndrome?

The latissimus dorsi is innervated by this nerve coming off of the lateral cord. 

What is the lateral pectoral n?


Injury to this nerve presents as

-Loss of wrist ulnar deviation

Weakened wrist, finger flexion

Loss of thumb adduction

Loss of most intrinsic's (claw hand) 

What is ulnar nerve?

(flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum profundus-*medial half, interossei, 3rd & 4th lumbricals, and muscles of the 5th finger)


Injury to this nerve would result in loss of thumb adduction, loss of most intrinsics, and loss of ulnar deviation. 

What is the ulnar nerve?


Inability to flex the thumb, index, and middle finger presenting as "the pope's blessing" occurs due to a median nerve injury at this location. 

Between the wrist and forearm (loss of the flexors-digitorum superficialis/profundus)  

Traction injury to a baby's upper BP (often from difficult child birth) presents with a "tip hand"

What is erb's palsy?
