Elements of Literature
Characters in Animal Farm
Characters in Animal Farm
Plot Triangle Details

A short story told to illustrate a moral or teach a lesson. Sometimes called a fairy tale. 

What is a Fable?


This character in the novel represents Czar Nicolas III, the leader of Russia who the people rebelled against.

Who is Mr. Jones


These characters represent the secret police force used by Stalin to intimidate the people of the USSR.

Who are the dogs?


Which part of the plot is described below?

The name of the farm is returned to Manor Farm. The pigs begin walking on two legs and carrying whips. It becomes difficult to tell the pigs apart from Man.

What is The Resolution?


The spreading of information for the purpose of helping or harming a person, group, idea, or institution. The information may or may not be true. 

What is propaganda?


This character represents the idea of propaganda in a society. And is used in the story to show the leaders of Animal Farm as heroes. 

Who is Squealer?


This character represents Karl Marx, who developed the ideas of Communism as well as Lenin, the leader of the Russian Revolution. 

Who is Old Major?


Which part of the plot is described below?

Without Man, the farm begins to thrive. Animalism and the seven commandments are created; the farm name is changed to Animal Farm. The pigs educate themselves, but they find it difficult to teach the other “lower” animals how to read. Due to their lack of knowledge the “lower” animals are easily taken advantage of. Napoleon and Snowball engage in a struggle for power.

What is the Rising Action?

The use of words to convey a meaning that is opposite of what is actually said. 

For example, a driver whose license was confiscated by a traffic officer may say “Thank you Officer, now that you have my license I can't drive” In this situation, the driver was mad and irritated at what happened.

What is irony?


This character represents the rich upper class loyal to Czar Nicolas III, who did not support the revolution. 

Who is Mollie?


These characters represent the working class people of the USSR who were often the most devoted to the revolution, but who also suffered the most as a result of it. 

Who are Boxer and Clover?


Which part of the plot is described below?

On a farm in England, Old Major brings the animals together to inspire them to overthrow Man. Soon after, Old Major dies and some of the other pigs on the farm decide to take action and make Old Major’s vision a reality.

What is The Exposition?


A story that is actually an extended metaphor for a real-life situation. In this kind of story the characters and events symbolize the real-life characters and events. 

What is an allegory?


This character represents the eventual leader and dictator of the USSR (Stalin), who was often cruel and used force and intimidation to gain power. 

Who is Napoleon?


This character represents the Russian Orthodox Church, who was supported by and friendly to Czar Nicolas III.

Who was Moses?


Which part of the plot is described below?

Napoleon uses Squealer to justify and explain all of his actions and decisions, including many of the changes in the commandments, in order to maintain total and complete power, while keeping the “lower” animals under control. Napoleon begins to purge the farm of “traitors” and those that are deemed as longer useful. Napoleon begins to trade with Man. Conditions on the farm continue to decline and worsen, even though the animals fail to recognize it.

What is The Falling Action?


A literary technique in which the ideas, customs, behaviors, or institutions of a society are made fun of as a way to draw attention to what is wrong with them. 

What is satire? 


This character represents one of the leaders of the revolution, who was a close ally of Lenin and a charismatic speaker. He was exiled to Mexico City. 

Who is Snowball?


This character represents the bystanders of the revolution; who in spite of the injustice they saw at the hands of the leaders, chose to do nothing. 

Who is Benjamin?


Which part of the plot is described below?

Napoleon uses his dogs to chase Snowball off of the farm. Without Snowball in his way, Napoleon takes total control over the farm. Napoleon blames all of the failures of the farm on Snowball.

What is The Climax?
