True or False? In every conflict, there is a winner and a loser.
Who is responsible for preventing bullying at our school?
True or False? No one else can MAKE you mad.
Name five feeling words.
Sad, glad, mad, angry, afraid, happy, excited, frustrated, joyful, irritated, bored, lonely, furious, etc.
True or False? It is possible to de-escalate a conflict after the other person has called you names.
True or False? Bullying is a normal part of growing up?
Name two physical signs of your body’s anger response.
Fast heartbeat
Sweating/hot skin
Clenched fists
Shaking hands
Which communication style works best in most cases?
What is a compromise?
When both people win a little and lose a little.
Name one good thing a target can do about bullying.
Speak up and tell the bully to stop; be assertive, report the bullying.
Name two good ways to reduce angry feelings.
Relax yourself, distract yourself, talk to yourself, use a fidget, talk to someone else.
Name two characteristics of a passive communication style
Little or no eye contact; nervous, apologetic, slumped shoulders; don’t stand up for themselves, etc.
What are the ABC’s of solving conflicts?
Attack the problem, not the person; Brainstorm together; Consider the consequences and choose win-win.
Name two good things a witness can do about bullying
Support the target, report the bullying; provide safety in numbers.
Name one thing you could say to yourself to reduce your angry feelings.
Calm down; They’re trying to make me mad, but I won’t give them the satisfaction; I can handle this, etc.
Give an example of an I-message
I feel _________ when you _________ because _________. I want _______.
Name three things you can do to escalate a conflict.
Use words like “let’s”, “we,” “our” and “together. Call the other person by name.
Instead, relax your body, use a calm voice ask to hear the other point of view.
Define Bullying
Bullying is repeatedly hurting, threatening, teasing, or frightening someone else in order to feel powerful.
Name two good things to do or say when you feel angry.
Walk away; use an I-message, Use humor
Name three characteristics of an aggressive communication style.
Loud, rude, sarcastic; in your face; name-calling, blaming, threatening; you-messages, pointing finger, shaking fists; glaring eye contact