What is something we do to express regret or ask forgiveness from an individual for something he/she did or for a situation.
You got the last dessert that another peer wanted and they started to cry.
How would you apologize? Do you need to?
Step 1
Say Sorry
What is anger warning signs?
Mind goes blank, body shakes, punch walls, feels hot, crying, pacing, become argumentative.
What is the definition of apologizing.
Something you say to someone when you are feeling awful for hurting another person.
You accidentally bumped a peer and they fell down.
How would you apologize to them? Do you need to?
(help them up) I'm sorry I bumped into you, it was an accident. I wasn't watching where I was going. I'll try to be more aware of what I'm doing in the future.
Step 2
Say what you're apologizing for.
When apologizing what does it mean to be sincere?
Being truthful, but kind to others; always mean it when you apologize.
What is the purpose of apologizing?
Primary goal is to repair relationship.
Step 3
Explain why you did it and that it wasn't okay.
What would you do if the person you're apologizing to is still mad?
How does a person feel before apologizing?
Anxious, afraid, nervous, hopeful.
Why is taking responsibility when you're apologizing important?
Acknowledging that, whether or not the offense was intentional, they were accountable for doing harm.
Let the person know what you'll do next time, so as not to repeat their mistake again.
What are things that make apologies difficult?
How might the person receiving the apology feel once they've received it?
Relieved, less upset, less angry, forgiving.
What can inadequate or insincere apology do?
Feel dismissive to the offended party and may heighten conflict.
How to show someone you are sincere with your apology?
What are the coping skills to staying calm when you feel angry?
Deep breath, counting to ten, walking away, self talk.