PTP Non-Epay
You're speaking with Usher Raymond and he says " OMG .. I forgot to make my payment ". What is the RFD ?
HC (Hang-up by CM)
" I want to speak to your manager. " Who do you transfer to?
FRD- First Response Desk
The customer calls in wanting to settle the account and will not listen to any other option. What do you do ?
Transfer to CAT
Michael Marerro spoke with an agent yesterday and secured a payment of $50 with a TAD of $100. He calls in today and schedules the remainder $50 with you. How would you arc this ?
VP - Verified Promise/Payment
You're speaking to Lance Armstrong and he tells you he fell off his bike and broke his ankle. What's the RFD?
Customer calls in asking what's her interest rate on a current account. What's the ARC ?
BI (Basic Inquiry)
Kelly Punn calls in and wants to pay the balance off for her mother-in-law who passed last month. Who do you transfer to ?
You place an OB call, Third Party replies " This is not who you're looking for I just got this number." and disconnects. What do you do?
Hot Key- Confirmed Wrong #
Sam Ellison calls in today on 11/2 and states he can't pay the TAD of $450 today but is willing to schedule a payment of $500 on his next due date 11/21 . How would you arc this?
You speak with Martha Stewart and she tells you sales are down and she can't afford to pay this month. What's the RFD?
Reduced Income
Customer stated "stop calling me" and hangs up. What is the ARC ?
VM (Verbal Mail-Only)
Melissa Hardy calls in and you see her account is 2400 days past due. Who do you transfer to ?
IRU - Internal Recovery Unit
OB Call- Line picks up and you hear " My wife's going into labor !!!! Just get the ambulance here...HURRY I NEED HELP! " What is this ?
Screening Device
You make an OB call to John Smith and you complete your assumptive ask for the TAD, CM responds with "Good Luck" and hangs up the call. How would you arc this ?
NP - No Promise to Pay
You're speaking to Neil Armstrong and he tells you he had to finance a new car after his was totaled in the hurricane but still works his full-time job. What's the RFD?
Johnny Bravo calls in and advises us he is being represented by an attorney. What's the abbreviation for how we ARC this ?
ES (Escalations)
Johnny Cockran ESQ calls in and says "I'm calling on behalf of Andre Dixon whom I represent ". Who do you transfer to ?
Third Party Attorney
John Moore calls in and says "I'm working with a CCA , they were supposed to pay you 2 weeks ago? Can you verify the payment was received?" How would you verify it ?
The card member calls in with a TAD of $150 and states they can only schedule $75 with you today Monday 11/4 and the remainder they will pay Friday 11/8 at the branch. How would you arc this ?
PTP E-pay $150
You're speaking with Morgan Freeman and he advises you that he is going through a divorce and lost custody of his 4 kids and now has to pay child support every month. What's the RFD?
Life event
This could also be seen as " Over-Extended"
This is the ARC for a Second Voice transfer
NP + W4
Customer claims they believe they were profiled prior to you reaching out to them and are now upset and stating they want to sue. Who do you transfer to?
First Response Desk
You place an OB call, CM states they're at work and cannot receive calls between 9am-6pm CT M-F and disconnect after you mention TAD. What is this ?
This is a NP + CN(Permanent IDT)