All staff must complete these based on their job functions.
Required trainings
WIOA requires adult ed programs to report students' Barriers to Employment. How are these tracked?
Student self identifies barriers on the Student Registration Form.
An ideal Aspire classroom engages these instructional delivery formats.
Large group, small group, one-on-one, and computer-assisted instruction.
The state Measureable Skill Gain (MSG) performance target.
You may not use Aspire funds to purchase these common items (name three).
1. HSE tests
2. Bus tokens
3. Promotional items such as T-shirts, tote bags, plaques, gift certificates
Three examples of potential students who are ineligible for Aspire services
1. 16-17-18 yr olds without a formal withdrawal from school
2. Home-schooled individuals
3. Individuals who do not live, work, or attend postsecondary education in Ohio
4. F1 Visa holders
The three High School Equivalency Test options in Ohio
1. GED
2. HiSET
Where Aspire teachers can find thousands of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies lesson plans and resources for the adult education classroom
Teacher Resource Center
These are the required standards for ESOL programs.
The English Language Proficiency Standards (ELP) for Adult Education.
Name two promotional items you may purchase with Aspire funds
1. pens/pencils
2. flash drive
Has to be items the student can use to work on "academics."
Local programs are required to provide these for students with documented disabilities.
Reasonable accommodations
A high-stakes annual program performance report
Desk Review
Give one example of a Bridge class.
Medical Readiness
College Math Foundations
Advanced ESL for College and Careers
This annual document verifies that the local program is implementing NRS data quality standards at a superior level.
Data Certification Checklist
The maximum amount allowed from the program's budget to be carried forward into the next fiscal year.
Three required trainings for New Teachers
1. New Teacher Orientation
2. Assessment Fundamentals
3. Learning to Achieve
Three required activities occurring simultaneously in an IET program.
1. adult education
2. workforce preparation
3. occupational training
A class offered on a worksite with a goal of benefitting the employer and employees.
Workplace Education
These help to define the roles and expectations of Aspire administrators, teachers, and support staff.
Practitioner Standards
The maximum amount of administrative costs allowed per year.
There is no maximum. Any amount over 5% must be negotiated with each program.
Three required items if a student takes a posttest before the test publisher's recommended timeframe.
1. Prior approval from the program administrator
2. Completed Early Progress Test Exception Form
3. Evidence of student mastery
Three models for reporting students' distance education time
1. clock time
2. learner mastery
3. teacher verification
Tailoring instruction to meet students' varied learning needs and interests.
The overarching purpose of using the College and Career Readiness Standards.
To provide all adult students with the opportunity to be prepared for postsecondary training without needing remediation.
Rent, security, director's salary, clerical, treasurer's salary, data entry, professional development are all examples of this.
Administrative costs