The power Solon gave to the people in his constitution.
What is jury powers?
300 Spartans defended Greece against the Persians in this battle.
What is Thermopylae?
The most important leader in Athens during the Peloponnesian War.
Who is Pericles?
Appointed by Sparta to rule Athens following the Peloponnesian War.
Who are the Thirty Tyrants?
A small group of people who hold power.
What is Oligarchy?
The way you can hold positions of power in the Solonian Constitution.
What is "getting more money"?
The Athenians defeated the Persian fleet in this battle (in 380 BC).
What is Salamis?
The cause of Sparta going to war with Athens.
What is Athen's growing empire?
The reason that the 30 were driven from power.
What is mass slaughter in Athens?
A small country about the size of a city in Greece.
What is a city-state or polis?
Pisistratus took this title and destroyed Solon's constitution.
What is a tyrant?
The group of allies set up after the Persian War by the Athenians to protect Greece against the Persians.
What is the Delian League?
Who is Alcibiades?
The leader of the Democrats fighting the 30.
Who is Thrasybulus?
The place of the Athenian Assembly.
What is the Pnyx?
Called an Archon in Greece, they had this role.
What is the leader of the Athenian assembly called?
This decision by Thermistocles led to Athens having the power to set up an empire.
What is building 200 triremes (ships)?
This enabled Sparta to finally seige Athens and make them surrender.
Ambassador to the Spartans and a member of the 30 until he was murdered.
Who is Theramenes?
A large sum of money, able to pay to build a trireme (ship).
What is a talent?
A way of getting rid of people in ancient Athens by exile.
What is Ostracism?
This battle was the first in the Persian War about 10 years before the rest of the war took place. It angered the Persians and glorified the Athenians.
What is the battle of Marathon?
The greatest disaster in the Peloponnesian war.
What is the Sicilian Expedition?
A former friend of Critias the leader of the 30.
Who is Socrates?
A small sum of money, enough to pay one person for one day's work.
What is a drachma?