This chromosomal structure, often compared to the plastic tips of shoelaces, protects our DNA during cell division
What are "telomeres"
The Time Stone grants the ability to manipulate time, including these two specific effects on aging
What are "speeding up" and "reversing" the aging process
These are the names of the thick and thin filaments comprising the basic muscular structural building block
What are “actin” and “myosin”
I am the well-known element that plays a key role in regulating muscular contraction timing
What is "Calcium"
Name one of the three processes responsible for ATP Synthesis
What are "glycosis", "Kreb’s cycle/citric acid cycle", or "the Electron Transport chain"
The enzyme that counteracts telomere shortening and allows cells to replicate indefinitely
What is "telomerase"
In Infinity War, Thanos uses the Time Stone to disintegrate this person
Who is "Dr. Strange"
Uhmm.. I think I’ll hold the spaghetti after examining these units bearing the technical name for muscle cells.
What are "myofibrils"
The name of the basic building block of muscles found within muscle cells.
What are "sarcomeres"
In my cells, glucose is stored
What is "the liver" or what is "skeletal muscle"
Telomerase is classified as this type of enzyme because it synthesizes DNA from an RNA template
What is "Reverse transcriptase"
Thanos uses the Time Stone to reverse this character’s death in Avengers: Infinity War
Who is "Vision"
The physical property one must increase to alter muscle “strength” or ability to contract (Remember that size matters, but doesn’t make or break the human body)
What is the property of “density”
In this key step of cross bridge cycling that involves active energy consumption, ATP is used to enable binding of actin to myosin heads
What is the “power stroke”, or what are “power strokes”
In me, turbines churn and turn, ATP its form will earn
What is "ATP synthase"
This repetitive DNA sequence forms the backbone of telomeres
What is "TTAGGG"
Cells with critically short telomeres can enter this state, where they no longer divide but remain metabolically active
What is "senescence"
Any of these three sources of cellular energy may be used to power muscle cells. Name two of the three.
What are “phosphocreatine”, “ATP”, or “glycogen”
I am the structure (or network of structures) containing stored calcium ions to be sent out in cross bridge cycling
What is the "Sarcoplasmic Reticulum"
Describe the two zones of the sarcomere involved in muscular contraction corresponding to areas of exclusively thick and thin filament respectively
What are the "H zones (thick filaments)" and "I band (thin filaments)"
Each time a cell divides, telomeres lose this many nucleotide bases
What is "50-200"
In the Time Stone hypothesis, rapid aging may mimic these natural processes of deterioration in cells and tissues
What are "programmed cell death" and "tissue degeneration"
Underwhelmingly for overzealous point-seekers, I am the colour of the Infinity stone associated with physical strength
What is "PURPLE"
I am not exclusive to golf, but structures of my shape may be found across a range of sports
What are "T-Tubules"
Jack be nimble, jack be quick, jack activated these muscle fibres to jump over the candle-stick
What are "fast-twitch muscle fibres"