These three numbers remind us of the proper way to craft the caramel drizzle on top of the beverage
A customer wants to enjoy their iced Caramel Macchiato in the café, what else should you ask at the register?
Ask if they want a for-here ware glass
According to the Coffeehouse Code of Conduct, a customer is defined as
Someone making a purchase or accompanying a purchasing customer
At the transaction plane.
*Gather brewed coffee before tendering order
When preparing a Caramel Macchiato, what’s different about the amount of syrup used compared to the Latte?
One less pump of vanilla syrup is used
This new routine helps us maintain a clean and inviting lobby
Check lobby routine (also part of customer support cycle)
The purpose of the new Coffeehouse Code of Conduct is
To create an inviting and respectful environment for customers and partners
What has changed about the beverage refill policy?
During the same store visit, customers may receive refills when using For-Here Ware or a clean personal cup; Cold brews are now excluded
How often are Coffee & Espresso Quality Tastings completed
Three times a day, morning, afternoon and at close
In the updated cafe order routine, this key point is a new standard we must follow
Ask if items are for here or to go. Use "FOR HERE" button to communicate when items will be prepared in a mug/glass cup/plate
This remains the same in the new Coffeehouse Code of Conduct
Focus on respect and dignity for all
The step by step routine that we will use to fill & monitor condiment carafes
1. start with clean carafe
2. fill carafe to appropriate level with cream or non dairy milk (ensuring at least 8 hours of chill time before using)
3. label carafe with appropriate day dot (4 hour shelf life)
4. monitor carafes during check lobby routine & replace carafes when they are empty or have reached/will reach discard time before next lobby slide
5. wash, rinse, and sanitize carafes to properly clean
When preparing a Caramel Macchiato, where are shots poured?
Shots are poured through the center of perfectly steamed micro foam
A café customer orders a cold brew to go, what will you ask at the register?
Ask if they want room for cream or sugar
If a situation about restroom use escalates, do the following
Engage your shift supervisor or store manager for additional support
If the order requires a handle bag or cup carrier
The Four Fundamentals of Brewing are
Proportion, grind, water & freshness
The expectation for handing off food & beverages to cafe customers at the hand-off plane
Call out name and item, hand off directly to customer, when possible, thank customer and welcome them back!
An individual refuses to comply with the new code of conduct when reminded that our café seating is intended for customers who make a purchase. What should you do?
Listen to the customer’s concern and kindly reiterate the intended use of our space. Leverage de-escalation tactics to prioritize empathy and understanding. Ask the shift supervisor or store manager for help if the conversations continue.
List the steps of the updated hand off routine in correct order
1. Gather: Mark items complete on the Digital Production Manager (DPM).
2. Callout: call out each item as they are ready, using customers name
3. Stage: place the item in the designated staging area with label facing out.
4. Finish: verbally confirm customer name & order & thank customer