Scale with two balanced platforms
Balance Beam Scale
An elastic network of proteins created when wheat flour is moistened and manipulated, it gives structure and strength to baked goods
An example of a trigeminal effect is
Eyes watering from soda
Throat burning from cinnamon
Lips burning from eating hot wings
The chef jacket is double breasted because the
Double layers protect the chest from heat
The acronym FAT TOM stands for what
Are stainless steel cones that once slipped into a pastry bag they produce shapes when icing is squeezed through them
Pastry Tips
The process by which starch granules are cooked, they absorb moisture when placed in a liquid and heated
Natural gas used in cook stoves can cause burns that carry no major risk because it is a nonexplosive gas
A specific amount of product that a recipe is designed to produce
Appearance is the first impression customers have on food
A warming chamber used in baking that encourages fermentation of dough by yeast through warm temperatures and controlled humidity
Proofer / Proofing Box
The irreversible transformation of proteins from a liquid or semiliquid state to a solid state
To flavor a liquid by steeping it with ingredients such as tea leaves or coffee beans
Evaluating foods is the same as eating for enjoyment
Refers to the space occupied by a substance
This has a removable side that locks into place while baking and then can be removed easily without moving product inside
Springform Pan
An example of a dry heat cooking method
How long should you build up a lather for
20 seconds
An installed, comprehensive firefighting system that automatically puts out a fire before it spreads is called
Kitchen Hood-Fire Suppression System
What is the freezing point of water
Used for a variety of jobs which include scraping off worktables of crumbs and portioning dough
Metal Bench Scraper
What is the boiling point of water
The most highly developed sense in humans is
Used to apply coatings onto bakeware or to glaze foods before or after cooking
Pastry Brush
Potentially life-threatening heat-related condition in which the body's usual ability to deal with heat stress is loss