On this day God creates the ocean and the land.
What is the third day (Day 3)? [Genesis 1:9-10]
In Genesis 1 God routinely blesses His living creatures by telling them to do this.
What is "Be fruitful and multiply (and fill the earth/waters)"? [Genesis 1:21-22, 24-28]
God sanctifies this day because He rests from all His work on it.
What is the seventh day (Day 7; the Sabbath)? [Genesis 2:3]
God places the first man here after creating him.
What is the Garden of Eden? [Genesis 2:7-8, 15]
He is described as walking "in the cool of the day".
Who is God? [Genesis 3:8]
God creates sea creatures and birds on this day.
What is the fifth day (Day 5)? [Genesis 1:20-21]
In the KJV, on Day 2 God uses this to separate the waters above from the waters below.
What is a "firmament"? [Genesis 1:6-8]
Before there is rain, God uses this to water the ground.
What is a mist from the earth? [Genesis 2:4-6]
God uses this activity to make Adam realize that he is alone.
What is naming the animals? [Genesis 2:18-20]
Adam tells God he was hiding because of this.
What is nakedness/he is naked? [Genesis 3:8-10]
These iconic words are the first to ever be spoken by anyone in the Bible.
What is "Let there be light"? [Genesis 1:3]
Biologically speaking, this class of being is the first form of life that God creates and comes from the earth on the third day.
What are plants (and trees)/What is plant life/What is vegetation? [Genesis 1:11-13]
The very first time that the Bible declares something is "not good", we find God expressing it in this iconic Genesis 2 statement.
What is "It is not good that man should be alone"? [Genesis 2:18]
Her name means "Mother of all living".
Who is Eve? [Genesis 3:20]
This being, known for being crafty and subtle, is responsible for deceiving Eve into eating the Forbidden Fruit.
What is the serpent? [Genesis 3:1-6]
This is the only day in Creation Week where God does not explicitly pronounce something as good.
What is "the second day (Day 2)"? [Genesis 1:6-8]
God makes these to help man mark "signs and seasons and days and years".
What are the sun, moon and stars? [Genesis 1:14-19]
The river that flows out of Eden eventually splits and becomes this many rivers.
What is 4? [Genesis 2:10-14]
Husbands and wives are described as becoming this.
What is one flesh? [Genesis 2:24]
God appoints these beings as guardians to bar re-entry into Eden after Adam and Eve's fall.
What are Cherubim? [Genesis 3:22-24]
In these 2 consecutive verses of Genesis 1, God announces His intent to create mankind and then goes on to do it.
What are verses 26 and 27? [Genesis 1:26-27]
God gives this to man, animals and birds for food.
What are plants and fruits? [Genesis 1:29-30]
These 2 trees are placed by God at the center of Eden.
What are the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? [Genesis 2:8-9; 3:3]
If Adam eats from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, he is warned this will happen to him.
What is he will surely die? [Genesis 2:15-17]
This verse of Genesis 3 is known for giving us the first messianic prophecy in the Bible.
What is verse 15/Genesis 3:15? [Genesis 3:15]