Name 5 of the 10 Plagues Jehovah brought upon Egypt through Moses
Nile becomes blood: it-1 838, 976; it-2 502
second, frogs: it-1 874, 976
third, gnats: it-1 964, 976
fourth, gadflies: it-1 878, 976
fifth, pestilence on livestock: it-1 976
sixth, boils: it-1 350, 976
seventh, hail: it-1 839-840, 976, 1020
eighth, locusts: it-1 976; it-2 260-261
ninth, darkness: it-1 976; it-2 1043
tenth, firstborn dies: it-1 835, 976; it-2 582; w04 3/15 25-26; si 22