God makes everything and it's really good for about 3.2 seconds.
David & Goliath.
1 Samuel
The Hebrew Bible is wisdom literature that leads you to encounter your need to be rescued.
Jonah is the son of...
Name a book not in the Torah
(any book but) Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
Everything is meaningless, except everything isn't really meaningless because God gives everything meaning. Whoa.
The Bachelorette: Hebrew Edition.
The arrangement of the TaNaK is purely chronological. The order is unintentional.
Instead of Nineveh, Jonah heads to...
How many days did Jesus fast for after his baptism?
The hotly anticipated product launch of Moses 2.0.
Solomon marries a ton of women and that turns out to be a really bad idea. Who knew!
1 Kings
What is Jesus teaching about the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) in Luke 24:27?
The whole Hebrew Bible is brought into one storyline that leads to Jesus
God appoints two animals to do certain tasks in the book of Jonah. What are those two animals?
The fish and the worm
What did Peter do for a living?
He was a fisherman
Paul gives his dying instructions to Timothy, much like Yoda to Luke in Return of the Jedi.
2 Timothy
The acronym TaNaK stands for Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim. Torah means...
The story of Jonah has a lot of similarities to which story about Jesus in the New Testament?
Jesus calming the wind and the waves in Mark 4
In which Old Testament book do we read about the Valley of the Dry Bones?
Ezekiel 37
Romans but shorter.
An anthropomorphic asparagus goes on an adventure with some pirates.
The acronym TaNaK stands for Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim. Nevi’im means...
Jonah the son of Amittai appears in what other Old Testament book?
a) 1 Kings b) 2 Kings
c) 1 Chronicles d) 2 Chronicles
2 Kings 14