Name one point of the CBT triangle
Acceptable responses: Actions, Thoughts or Feelings
This is something you can use to be brave and think positively.
Courage thoughts/Courage card
What is one thing you can do to calm down your body?
-deep belly breathing (including stuffed animal on belly, smell the rose blow out the candle, etc)
-muscle relaxation (cat, elephant, turtle, squeezing lemons, mud puddle etc)
-body scan
Which would be a more helpful thing to THINK in your thought bubble before your spelling test: "I can focus and do my best" or "I want to kick a trash can."
"I can focus and do my best."
Which would be more likely to help you calm down:yelling at your friend or doing a body scan?
Body Scan
If you are looking at a cat and thinking "this cat is mean and will try to bite or scratch me!" then what action might you do next?
-run or walk away and stay away
-not touch the cat
-ask someone for help to stay away
accepted responses:
-express feelings, use courage/helpful thoughts, body relaxation, ask an adult or friend for help, walk away, ignore, do something that makes you feel better
When you are doing belly breathing, which way should your stomach or your stuffed animal go when you take a deep breath IN?
Up (nice ride)
If your friend is thinking "I am not very good at math. The whole class is going to laugh at me if I mess up," then how do you think he or she is feeling?
-mad, sad, embarrased, scared, ashamed, nervous
When you are working on your I Can Do It Ladder steps, should you start with the hardest step or an easier step first?
After playing a video game you are thinking "This is one of my best scores ever; I love this game; I can't wait for Maria to see how good I am." How might you be FEELING?
Name 2 people who you can go to when you need someone to help you feel better?
accepted responses:
friends, family, teachers
Demonstrate how to do your favorite MUSCLE RELAXATION activity.
-hands and arms (lemon)
-arms and shoulders (stretching cat)
-shoulders and neck (turtle)
-face and nose (pesky old fly)
-stomach ( baby elephant)
-legs and feet (mud puddle)
You enter your classroom and the teacher calls you over to their desk. Your "first" automatic thought is that "I'm in trouble." How can you shift this thought to make it a more helpful one?
Consider alternative possibilities:
"Maybe she wants to tell me I did something well" or "maybe she just wants to check in with me.
"I can get through this, let's see what she wants"
"I know I've been following the rules so I don't think I'm in trouble"
Name 3 areas of the body that can be affected when feeling upset, worried, scared or nervous?
-chest/heart beating faster
-stomach upset
-go to bathroom more
How do the points on the CBT triangle relate to one another?
They influence/affect one another (ie: thoughts contribute to feelings which affects actions).
Think: Arrows going back and forth between the points.
Give an example for using your words to say what you're feeling or are upset about.
I need some space
I feel mad/sad when you_________
Use an "I Statement" - I feel ____when you ____. Next time please_____
When practicing deep breathing OUT, should you imagine blowing soup off a spoon or gently blowing it so it will cool down and stay on the spoon?
Gently blowing it so it will cool down/stay on the spoon (slow deep breaths!)
You have to try something new and this makes you uncomfortable. Come up with a courage thought that is helpful for you!
I am brave and can do hard and new things!
I am capable
I can face my fears
I've done new things before
Name 2 of the rules we came up with for this group together
Accepted responses:
-Respect- one person talks at a time
-All feelings are ok
-Have fun!
Name all 3 points of the CBT triangle.
Actions, thoughts, and Feelings
Name 2 things you can do if your Feeling Thermometer Is Rising during recess because someone just cut in front of you for 4 square.
-helpful/courage thoughts
-relax your body
-identify feelings and use "I" statements
-ask an adult or friend for help
-walk away or ignore
-do something that makes you feel better
What is a body scan?
a quick way to get your body calm that you can do anywhere. This includes imagining there is a magic wand with a warm light. As the wand passes over each part of your body, that part becomes completely relaxed.
You are at recess and lose a game. Your first thought is "I can't do this." Create a helpful thought for yourself.
- I can try again
-This game is about having fun, not winning or losing
-Maybe I'll win next time.
Why is this group called "Bounce Back?"
Because we are learning skills to help us "bounce back" or improve from difficult things and trauma