How many members are in the LPAC?
What triggers testing to possibly classify a student as an EL?
When a parent indicates on the Home Language Survey that a language other than English is spoken by the student OR is spoken in the home.
English Learner
What is Initial Identification?
The purpose of this meeting is to identify ELs.
What does it mean to reclassify an EL student?
The EL student has met the state's reclassification criteria and is no longer an EL.
Who are the members of the LPAC?
LPAC administrator, LPAC parent, Bilingual teacher(for a bilingual program), ESL(for an ESL program)
Name the statewide test used to identify a student as EL.
Pre-LAS & LAS Links
English Proficient
During what meeting are testing decisions made?
Middle of the year LPAC.
What is the difference between reclassification and Exit?
An EL is reclassified once they meet state criteria. Being reclassified does not mean that they will no longer be in the program. Exiting means no longer being in a bilingual or ESL program.
What law is required of ALL LPAC members?
The laws of confidentiality.
What score does a student have to get on the Pre-LAS & LAS Links to be identified as an EL?
English as a Second Language
During what meeting are ELs reclassified as non-EL?
End of Year LPAC.
Does TELPAS play a role in reclassification?
TELPAS is part of the reclassification criteria.
Can the parent serving on the LPAC be a teacher assistant at a campus in the district?
What are the domains for LAS Links?
Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
Language Proficiency Assessment Committee
Can the LPAC meet to discuss RTI Interventions?
Yes, the LPAC can meet to discuss the instructional needs of ELs at any time.
Can PK and Kinder ELs be reclassified?