What are the four basic functions of management?
What is planning/decision making, leading, controlling, organizing?
What are the two branches of the classical management style?
What is Scientific and administrative management?
What are some important dimensions of diversity? Name the two
age, gender, ethnicity
Ethics are an individuals personal beliefs about what constitutes _______ and _______ behavior
What is right and wrong?
Learning to operate in a ______ economy is an important challenge facing many managers today
What is Global?
When it comes to planning, the organization’s goals and plans clearly help managers know how to allocate their _____ and __________.
What is time and resources?
What does the behavioral management perspective emphasize on? Individual ______ and _____
What is Behaviors and attitudes?
What are the two types of environments in all organizations?
Internal and external
Who are organizations possibly considered responsible for when it comes to social responsibility? Name one (three possible)
What is stakeholders, natural environment, general social welfare
Market _____ and _____ dominate the global economy today
What is economies and systems?
What are the 3 levels of management
What is Top, middle, first-line?
The quantitative perspective involves the application of quantitative techniques to _____ _______ and problem solving.
What is decision making?
The external environment is composed of _____ and ____ environment layers
General and task
What is one emerging ethical issue in organizations today? (three possible)
What is Leadership, corporate governance, information technology
The exporting markets in the Middle East are important because they export what?
What is Oil?
The effective practice of management requires a synthesis of _____ and ______, that is, a blend of rational objectivity and intuitive insight
What is science and art?
The contingency approach to management suggest why universal theories cannot be applied because each organization is _______?
What is unique?
An organizations culture is the set of values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and attitudes that helps which part of the organization understand what it stands for?
the members
The government has a relationship with the social responsibility of businesses through _______
What is regulation?
Basic issues of competing in a global economy vary according to whether the organization is an MNC, a medium-size organization, or a __________ organization
What is small-size?
What are the 3 basic managerial roles?
What is Interpersonal, informational, and decisional roles?
What is one important issue and challenges managers face in today’s organizations? There are 7 possible answers
What is
1. employee retention
2. diversity
3. the new workforce
4. organization change
5. ethics and social responsibility
6. the importance of quality
7. continued shift toward a service economy.
What does the internal environment consist of? Name three
What is owners, board of directors, employees, physical environment, and culture
Name one type of activity that organizations use to formally manage social responsibility (three possible)
What is legal compliance, ethical compliance, and philanthropic giving
Name one of the orientations that individuals can possess across different cultures in relation to working? (five possible)
What is Social, power, uncertainty, goal, time oriented?