Pec major & pec minor; scalenes; SCM
What are these?
Primary accessory muscles
If there is too much pressure on the outside, then we see _____ changes
Structural changes like barrel chest in COPD patients.
What is tidal volume?
Normal breathing
Nerve supply to the diaphragm and the spinal levels?
Phrenic N ; C3,4,5 keeps the diaphragm alive
Lungs ability to recoil back to original dimension
Highly (-) at start of inspiration; highly (+) at start of expiration
Chest wall pressure
Serratus posterior and inferior; QL
Inspiratory muscle assist
Lungs ability to stretch/distend with increased pressure; lungs ability to resist elastic recoil; volume control
Influenced by surface tension to generate inspiration; create volume change
Alveolar pressure
Stabilize the rib; concentric contractions; lateral and superior expansion in lower chest; anterior and superior expansion in upper chest; medial and inferior compression in the lower; posterior and inferior in upper chest during forceful exhalation
Intercostal muscles
What is the functional residual capacity (FRC) equation?
Balance point where airway and alveolar pressure vs. chest wall pressure reaches 0
What are the primary muscles of expiration?
Compliance and elastic recoil (elastance) are ______ related
Upper trap; levator scap; erector spinae
Accessory muscle assistance to a lesser extent
These muscles provide positive pressure support for the diaphragm and provide pressure for cough?
Abdominal muscles