This is the most current interest free offering from flexigroup Australia.
What is the Skye Mastercard?
Previous interest free finance offering from flexigroup AU
What is Lombard and Once?
This is where we commonly find the details of an authorised third party.
What is the Notes line?
This costs $0.95.
What is the Payment Handling fee?
This means that the address is not updated.
What is GNA?
What are acceptable forms of ID?
The Originations platform.
What is Capture?
Displays all activities including dispositions on the account that have been created in CredAgility.
What is the Storyboard Widget?
A customer gets this charge when a payment bounces.
What is a Payment dishonour fee?
Min Due + Arrears + Installments
What is Current Due Balance?
We no longer offer this mode of payment for Skye Mastercard.
What is Post Billpay?
What is the Flexi Customer ID?
We use this to assist customers with web self-service, unlocking and resetting passwords, activating cards, passcodes, opting in/out of promotional mail and viewing of statements.
What is Neptune?
This applies to purchases when the promotional rate expires.
What is the Expired Promotional Rate?
It is a dynamic code verification (CVC).
What is the Motion code?
Online self-service portal
What is the Skye Self Service?
This is an electronic payment scheme via the customer's online banking.
What is BPay?
This represents real money and needs to be posted to the account.
What is an IPM file?
We charge up to $200 for this.
What is an urgent card replacement fee?
This shows the FIA balance (total balance of remaining monthly instalments).
What is EMI Pending Cumul?
It is Skye's long term finance plan
What is SkyePlan?
What is UID?
This status means that the account is in arrears.
What is Not Authorised?
It is 3% or $3.00, whichever is greater.
What is the Cash Advance Fee?
What are the Card Programme? /
What are the Cardholder types?