Can a participant provide us copies of their documents to accompany their I9 form?
NO, it must be the original documents
How soon should new participants have their first JSR Assessment upon entering CEO's program?
Within two weeks of entering the program, by their second JC meeting.
Who will follow up with a participant once employment is confirmed?
Gedde DeLong-Retention Specialist
Can a participant provide a receipt for a replacement document to accompany their I9 form?
YES, but it will only be valid for 90 days
What does SMART stand for when setting SMART goals?
Achievable or Attainable
Relevant or Realistic
What must a participant present before receiving a stipend?
First pay stub (2 weeks after start date)
What dashboard could you use to find out Fresno's current enrollments?
Program Outcomes
Outreach and P2E Indicators
Name three things you track using the JC Appointment Day Distribution Report.
Ptcp assigned days, Current Stage and Stage Dates, JSR Dates, last JC meeting, last TJ worked, P2E completion
What reward amount is received after 30 days?
How many enrollments do we have currently?
If a participant does not attend a JC meeting on a particular week, how should it be entered in CORE?
It should be logged as a JC meeting recording the attendance of unexcused absences or rescheduled. It should included an explanation for the rescheduling of the meeting.
After the 6 month check in what reward amount is provided if employment is continued?
Name three things that are required for a newly enrolled participant to be TJ ready in CORE in order to be scheduled for crew.
Assigned JC
Assigned Appt. Day
P2E Completion
I9 Compliant
SS Proff
Draft Reg Req
State and Fed Exemptions
Marital Status
Work Auth
Legal Names
Other Income/Deductions/Tax amounts
What Report shows you current participant goals listed in CORE?
Ptcpt Working Goals Report
Up to what reward amount can a participant received if they've completed the program?