CCPT stands for...
Child-Centered Play Therapy
Recommended duration of CPRT
10 sessions
Age range for PCIT
2-7 years old
Age range for ABC
0-4 years old
Theoretical approach for CPP
Age group commonly associated with CCPT
3-10 years old
Recommended number of practice special play times per week
Twice a week
PRIDE stands for...
Praise, Reflect, Imitate, Describe, Enthusiasm
Number of sessions in ABC
10 sessions
Treatment duration for CPP
Approximately 1 year
Theoretical approach of CCPT
Humanistic/Rogerian theory
CPRT conducted primarily through
Group parent training sessions
PRIDE skill that involves narrating what the child is doing
Behavior description
Theoretical approach to ABC
Fidelity that follows the procedures for each phase of CPP
Procedural fidelity
First step in limit setting in CCPT
Acknowledging the child’s feelings wishes, and wants
Theoretical approach of CPRT
Humanistic/Rogerian theory
PRIDE skill that involves repeating or paraphrasing a child’s comments
Primary goal of ABC
Enhance parent-infant attachment security
Fidelity that integrates each family member’s trauma history into the case conceptualization & interventions
Trauma process fidelity
"Tracking Behavior" in CCPT
Therapist observing and describing the child’s actions during play
Common technique used in CPRT
Role play
PRIDE skill that involves engaging in similar play and mirroring the child’s activity
Live coaching of parent-child interactions in ABC are called...
"In the Moment" (ITM) comments
Fidelity where the therapists understands their own emotional states and how they affect their delivery of CPP
Reflective process fidelity