True or False: Regular exercise is a good way to stay motivated
not giving up or quitting when faced with difficulties and challenges.
The ability to recognize, understand and manage emotions.
What is Emotional Intelligence?
Is the glass half full or half empty?
Half full
True or False: to have resilience you must show grit.
The three elements of daily life influenced by Emotional Intelligence.
What is Academic Success, Anger Management, and Priority Management?
What is extrinsic motivation?
Motivation that is derived from an external source, such as a punishment or a reward.
which is a combination of perseverance, passion, resilience.
Well developed intrapersonal skill, stress tolerance and adaptability will result in...
What is Academic Success?
What is intrinsic motivation?
True or False: people who failed can't bounce back.
The type of relationship had with oneself.
What is Intrapersonal Relationship?
Who is in control of your actions?
Name one strategy to help build resilience
Make Connections
Who is the researcher credited for the list of emotional skills?
Reuven Bar-On