What began the early fur trade?
Cod fishing
What company was established in 1670?
The Hudson's Bay Company
Which rival fur trading company emerged during this phase?
The Northwest Company
Which two companies merged during this phase?
What team do we NOT support in this class?
Who benefitted from early trade?
Both Europeans and First Nations
Who emerged as middlemen during this phase?
Cree and Nakoda poeple
Which food helped sustain traders during long journeys?
What did the HBC begin to lose control of during this time period?
Their monopoly on the fur trade
Tottenham :)
Which country dominated the fur trade in Phase 1/2?
What does "Metis" mean?
Mixed- a combination of European and Indigenous ancestry
How did New France become a British colony?
France was defeated by Britain in the Seven Years' War
Define "scarce"
When a resource becomes less available/harder to find
Why would someone cheer for Arsenal?
Something went wrong in their upbringing
Which Indigenous nation acted as middleman during the early phases of the fur trade?
The Ouendat
Where did the HBC primarily operate?
Rupert's Land
Which place became a key centre for Metis people?
Red River
Why did the HBC sell Rupert's Land?
With the fur trade declining, the resources on the land weren't as valuable as the money that they gained from selling it.
Finish the statement: Tottenham is _______, Arsenal is _______
Define economic competition
Trying to be more successful than other countries/companies in acquiring the most resources/wealth
Why were the Metis people valuable to the fur trade?
They could speak more than one language and were familiar with multiple cultures
True/False: Missionaries no longer tried to convert First Nations to Christianity during this phase.
What were the two main factors that contributed to the decline of the fur trade?
Decreased demand for furs in Europe and scarce resources in North America
Is it ever ok to root for Arsenal?
No, there's no reason to do that, ever.