How many Kids can I watch on my own!?
Peace at last!
Grubbing Time!
All those forms!
Other Rules
for Child Care

What is the teacher:child ratio for your current group while they are awake?

Infants- under 12 months 1:3. Infants over 12 months 1:4 Toddlers- 1:6 Preschool- 1:8 KInder 1-10 Schoolage- 1:15 

How often should you physically touch a sleeping infant?
every 15 minutes
What must all children and adults do before and after eating?
Wash hands
What must parents do every day when dropping their children off and picking them up?
Sign them in and out
What should you do if you suspect child abuse or neglect?
Report it to the Child Abuse Hotline.

What is the required teacher: child ratio for your group during naptime?

Infants less than months 1:6. 

Infants 12 months to less 19 months 1:8. 

19 months to less than 3 years 1:12

3 Years to less 4 years 1:16

4years and older 1:20


How far apart are children's cots/cribs to be placed during nap?

3 feet or between a solid barrier for toddlers. 2.5 feet for preschoolers.

What two things must you do to a table/high chair tray before and after children eat?
-Wash with soap & water -Santize with bleach & water
What form helps you keep track of how many students are presently in your care?
Attendance form
How often should the program practice emergency drills?
every month

How many children can be in the building with just one adult?

Center- 6 children. After 6 children another educator must be on site.

How are children's bodies placed to sleep as: Infants? Toddlers/Preschool/Schoolage?
Infants- on their backs Toddlers/Preschool/Schoolage- face to feet pattern
How far away from children in your group can you be while they are eating?
Infants- arm's length Toddlers, Preschool, Kindergarten- at the table Schoolage- within sight & sound
What is required before giving a child medication of any kind?
a Medication Form completed by Parent
When should the playground be inspected for danger?
Every day before children play outside.

What is the adult:child ratio for your group when they are off daycare property or on a field trip?

Infants- 2:4 Toddlers- 2:6 Twos- 2:8 Preschool- 2:12 School-age- 2:20

What 3 things must must all children have during naptime?
-sheet -blanket -cot/crib labeled with their name or identifying number
How long can a bottle of formula be left out unfrigerated?
up to one hour
What are the two things required before a child can be released to an unfamiliar adult?
-Identification -Written Parent Permission
What two things must be done by the person verifying the Transportation Log?
-Count the number of children and make sure it matches Transportation Log AND Attendance sheet. -Walk through the bus to make sure no child is left on board.
How many children can be combined in the following groups for the first and last hour of the day? -Infants/Toddlers/Twos -3 years olds through schoolage
-1:5 -1:15

State the SIDS prevention rules.

What is

Always place the baby on their back to sleep

Ensure a safe sleep environment free of soft bedding

Keep the baby in the same room with you for 6 months.

What are the five food group requirements of lunch for children 1 year of age and older?
-Milk -Meat/Protein -Fruit/Vegetable -Fruit/Vegetable -Bread/Grain
What two things must be done if a child has an accident/injury?
-complete an Accident Report form -notify Parent

When and how often should we do head counts?

During transitions outdoors/ Indoors

During walks

At the playground

At least every 15 minutes!
