List 2 hallway expectations.
Line order, quietly standing, stand on squares, one behind the other
What is the class reward system?
Signing the chart and getting your name rolled
Sit down quietly, take out Intervention notebook, and complete bell work in 5 minutes.
What is Step 1 of the behavior plan?
Nonverbal warning
What do plants need to survive?
What do you need to have to ride the bus?
Lunch in classroom with friend, candy, prize box, show and tell, etc.
Name two attention signals used in our class.
Gateway- Gators!
Silent hand raise
What is Step 3 of the behavior plan?
What is the area of a classroom that is 12 ft by 9 ft?
Name 4 ways to stay healthy at school.
Wash hands/use sanitizer, social distance, eat healthy foods, drink water, wipe down desks, keep hands away from face, sneeze/cough into your elbow, wear a mask, etc.
What are ways to get your name on the chart?
Working quietly, going above my expectations, helping to keep the classroom organized/clean, etc.
45-60 seconds
What is the 5th Grade Code of Conduct?
Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Ready
What is Ms. Messina's hometown? (city and state)
What is the school reward system called?
Gator Greats
Name three pieces of candy in Ms. Messina's candy jar.
Almond Joy, Starbursts, Snickers, Hershey's, Receses Cups, York, Laffy Taffy, M&M's, Milky Way, Candy Canes
Use pencil signal (2), borrow pencil from board or switch your dull pencil for a sharp pencil
What is Step 4 of the behavior plan?
Red card, parent contact, and no recess
What is Ms. Messina's favorite fast food restaurant?
Chick Fil A
Tell me how to be a No Excuses Student (the whole speech).
I know who I am. I know who I want to be. I believe in myself. I am important. I am smart. I work everyday to build my character. I am brave. I have goals. I dream big. I make no excuses. I know I am college bound.
Group working the best for station rotations, completing all work on time/early, etc.
Work quietly on the correct task, ask team captain for help if needed, wait for signal from Ms. Messina to transition, read quietly if finished early, etc.
What does "PLAN" stand for?
You put a little boogie in it!