Formal Written workplace communication written using a specific format.
What is Business Letter?
Engaged decoding.
What is Active Listening?
Anything that prevents clear, effective communication.
What are Communication Barriers?
How the message is delivered.
What is the Channel?
Takes places with supervisors, managers, and executives.
What is Upward Communication
A formal or informal written message conveying information from one person or department to others. Follows a specific format.
What is a Memo?
The ability to understand information.
What is Comprehension?
A closed door, a restricted area, noises, large open space, etc.
What is are physical communication barriers?
The person who gets the message.
Who is the receiver?
Takes place between peers.
What is Lateral Communication?
Decoding interview questions.
What is tentative listening?
Type of culture focused on verbal communication.
What is a low context culture?
The person who creates the message.
Who is the encoder?
Takes place when executives, managers, and/or supervisors communicate with subordinates.
What is Downward Communication?
First step in effectively composing written communications.
What is planning?
Culture that focuses on nonverbal queues and other sensory information.
What is a high context culture?
The receiver's mind.
What decodes the message?
Unscheduled communication with (occurs by chance) inside and outside the workplace.
What is Informal Communication?
Positive, negative, persuasive, informational, or combination.
What are the types of business messages?
Nonverbal communication, time, location, temperature, mood, etc.
What is Context?
The process of encoding and decoding messages.
What is Communication?