One survey of top-level North American executives revealed that _______ believe listening is one of the most important skills needed in the corporate environment
What is 80 percent?
Highness or lowness of voice describes the _____________.
What is pitch?
Jessica has decided to collect information for her speech using _____ research because she will be locating information from books and journals in the library.
What is secondary?
If the object you want to use as a visual aid is too large, which of the following types of visual aids could you use instead?
What is a model?
Your ___________ will help you direct your research efforts and aid you as you develop your speech.
What is adaptation plan?
When you listen to your roommate complain about how hard her organic chemistry class is, you are engaging in __________________.
What is empathic listening?
When a person distorts a sound in a word, the problem is called ________
What is an articulation error?
The method of rapidly going through a work in order to determine what a topic is, how it is covered, and whether it will be useful is called _______________.
What is skimming?
When using a visual aid, the speaker should always focus his or her attention on the ________.
What is audience?
If a speech’s content is timely, proximate, and has personal importance to audience members, then it is ________
What is relevant?
Stating the speaker’s message in your own words, using the meanings you have assigned to them, is called _____________________.
What is paraphrasing?
Speaking with no changes in pitch, rate, or volume is described as speaking ________
What is monotone?
Evaluating a website’s _______________ involves evaluating the qualifications of the sponsoring organization.
What is authority?
For the most effective use of a visual aid, you should ______
What is talk about the visual aid while you show it?
The background, knowledge, attitudes, experiences, and philosophies shared by the speaker and audience is called __________________.
What is common ground?
Tone of voice, facial expressions, and gestures are examples of a speaker’s ______________________.
What is nonverbal cues?
Generally, you should look at your audience at least ___________ of the time.
What is 90 percent?
Jason wanted to be sure that his classmates knew the sources he was using for his speech, so he used _____ in his speech when he referenced an original source.
What is oral footnotes?
When choosing what information to include on the visual aid, you should include_________
What is only the most important information you want your audience to remember?
The confidence that an audience places in the truthfulness of what a speaker says is known as _______
What is credibility?
By the final main point, one audience member notices that hardly any supporting information was used to develop the speech, and that the speaker had simply rushed through the body. The audience member is evaluating the _______ part of the speech.
What is content?
If your boss prompts you unexpectedly to give a quick report on the project that you have been working on at a meeting, you will be giving a _______ type delivery
During Mia’s interview of the mayor on his thoughts about the upcoming city council election, she used ____________________ such as “and then?”, “what else?” to probe for more answers.
What are secondary questions?
Showing the class your high school basketball trophy and explaining how it represents your past is using a _______
What is actual object?
Following ethical standards and honestly explaining a speech’s motivation help establish __________.
What is trustworthiness?