What are sources of data?
Print, digital, individuals, and groups.
What is social parenting?
A parent who does not share a genetic relation with their child (e.g. fostering, adoption, surrogacy, step-parenting).
What are the two mandatory Category A groups?
Youth and People With Disabilities.
What is unpaid work?
Any work that provides a service for the community with no money (e.g. housework, charity, etc.)
What is reliability?
The consistency of measurement.
What are the research fundamentals?
The purpose of the research, focus of the research, sampling, types of data, sources of data, reliability and validity, and ethical behaviour.
What is a biological parent?
A parent who has a genetic link to their child.
What is the acronym for needs?
What is status of work?
Society's rank of an individual’s importance based on their work, occupation, or profession.
What are the aspects of services?
COLS (confidentiality, opening hours, location, and staffing).
How do we plan for research?
Formulate a research proposal, manage resources (e.g. time, materials).
What are the preparations for parenting?
Joining parenting groups within the community, attending pre-natal classes, researching online, and investigating relevant support groups.
What is the acronym for factors affecting access to services?
CALFS Too Good
What needs are met through work?
Safety and security, health, education, sense of identity, employment, and adequate standard of living.
What are the types of services?
FEELCHAT (financial support, education, employment, legal aid, counseling, health care, accommodation, and transport).
What is privacy with regard to ethics in research?
This involves both confidentiality and anonymity. Participants' names are to remain anonymous, and consent is required for information to be published or submitted to other sources.
What characteristics influence the role of parents or carers?
Age, skills and capabilities, and special needs of the dependant.
What are the resources that affect an individual's access to services?
KMET (knowledge, money, energy, and time).
What are the advantages of full-time employment?
Structured and regular patterns of work, consistent income, increased hours, benefits such as sick leave, parental leave, family and community leave, etc.
What are the roles of parents and carers?
Satisfying the specific needs of the dependant, building a positive relationship with the dependant, and promoting the wellbeing of the dependant.
What is bias?
A person's beliefs and values interfering with results and findings.
What are formal support networks?
Structured organisations or individuals who provide support to parents and/or carers.
What are characteristics of the homeless?
Inadequate access to safe and secure housing, low or no income, poor hygiene, malnutrition, and loneliness.
What is an award?
A set of minimums that is set out and specific for each industry. It dictates the working arrangements of employees unless they have used enterprise bargaining to gain conditions greater.
What are the social factors leading to changes in work patterns?
Education/retraining, technology, employment/unemployment, perceptions of gender, family circumstances, government policy, and economics.