________ refers to the overall condition of a person's body or mind and the presence or absence of illness.
It is recommended that a person do ____ minutes of physical activity per day to lose weight.
60-90 minutes
What is the "gold standard" normal healthy blood pressure?
_________ is bone loss particularly in people over 55, common in premenopausal women, and is link to inactivity and poor diet.
What type of stretching is best for an athletic performance?
dynamic stretching
Chronic Disease
NEAT stands for ______? And what is it?
Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis
Calories burned during normal daily activity.
____ ____ ____ is used to determine the amount of energy your body needs to carry out basic functions to stay alive at rest?
Basil Metabolic Rate
Increase in size of muscle fiber is called?
Study the Components of skeletal muscle tissue (slide 9 & 10)
Having high cholesterol, high glucose, a large waistline, and low levels of HDL (good cholesterol) could lead to a condition called _____? That may lead to heart disease, stroke, and/or diabetes.
metabolic syndrome
_______ refers to optimal health.
What are the four Training Principles?
Progressive Overload
Individual differences
What are the three Energy Systems?
Nonoxidative (anaerobic)
Oxidative (aerobic)
How much energy does each system provide? What are examples of each system?
What skeletal muscle type uses anaerobic metabolism for fuel to provide short burst of speed, to fire motion quickly, and fatigues muscles quickly?
Fast Twitch - what are examples of activity?
Study slow twitch fibers too
What are the indicators of the Female Triad?
low levels of energy (abnormal eating habits)
bone loss
amenorrhea (loss of menstrual cycle)
What are the 5 steps in the Transtheoretical Model also called the Stages of Change Model?
Give a real life example of how people use this model to make health changes in their lives
Precontemplation (no need to change)
Contemplation (take action in 6 months)
Preparation (ready for change)
Action (actively taking action for change)
Maintenance (maintained change for 6+ months)
How does it work?
The cardiovascular system is made up of what three areas of the body?
respiratory (lungs)
blood (arteries and veins)
_________ initiates movement by connecting to one or more muscle fibers?
Motor Unit
What are the two types of adipose tissue (fat) and where are they located in the body?
subcutaneous - under the skin
visceral fat - around major organs
High income countries have a higher rate of death related to ___________?
Chronic diseases
Low income countries have a higher rate of death related to infectious diseases.
What are the Five Components of Physical Fitness?
Cardiovascular or (cardiorespiratory)
Muscular Strength
Muscular Endurance
Body Composition
The body's ability to increase oxygen use and the best way to measure cardiorespiratory endurance is called?
What are the three types of muscles in the body?
Joint structure, muscle elasticity, and the nervous system all are factors that determine _________?