what is a colander used for ?
to drain liquid from food
What is the abbreviation for teaspoon ?
What is dice ?
to cut food into small cubes
What is a pot holder ?
a special pad used to handle hot items
what is recipe name ?
tells what you are making
what is measuring cups and spoons ?
tools ensure that amounts of food are exact in the recipe
What is the abbreviation for ounces ?
What is shred ?
to cut into strips with a shredder
What is hand washing?
the first thing to do before starting to cook
What is a serving?
tells you number of people the recipe will feed
What is a spatula?
a tool used to turn over food while cooking
What is the abbreviation tablespoon?
What is bake?
To cook in an oven.
What is a knife?
What is the name of the tool that when walking with it, you should hold it by the handle with the point facing down ?
What is ingredients?
a list of what you will need for the recipe
What is a sifter used for?
Lighten and remove large pieces for ingredients like flour?
What is the abbreviation for pound?
What is to mix ingredients ?
to combine
What is making sure oven and stove tops are turned off?
What is the last thing to check when done cooking?
What is directions?
Tells you the steps you need to make the recipe
What is whisk?
A tool used to incorporate air into ingredients
What is the abbreviation for cup?
there is no abbreviation
What is to cut or finely chop food?
to mince
What is cross contamination?
Don't let cooked food touch where raw food has been
What is substitutions?
The recipe may include other foods you may use in place of food listed in recipe