Document for investors
What is a business plan?
Value Proposition
Simple statement that summarizes why a customer would choose your product or service.
Interactive way we start most classes
In the News
10 minutes
Maximum time for pitch
Won men's and women's Bean Pot in 2024?
Northeastern Huskies
Two sources of funding
Debt and Equity
Strengths and Weaknesses
What are two parts of SWOT that focus on internal capabilities?
Case for write up
December 8
Date the written business plan is due.
Baseball team's name
Who are the Boston Red Sox?
Lack of capital
Why do most business fail within first five years?
4 Ps of Marketing
What is Product, Price, Place, and Promotion?
Observation, Understanding, Ideation, Prototyping, Launch
Design thinking process
A Fin Tech Start Up
Mayor of Boston
Michelle Wu
Where many business ideas come from
Identifying a need or solving a problem
Possible customers that may be most receptive to product
Target market
Pon-Yun, Ken, Kaiuri, and Hongyang
Winners of the Marshmallow Challenge!
Product is totally customizable
Sleep Solutions
A dessert that bears the city's name
Boston Cream Pie
Template used to identify key elements of a business
Business Model Canvas
Two sources of primary research
Surveys and interviews
December 10
Business Plan Competition
Parents and Teachers
Target market for VR Learn
Sticky substance that killed 21 people in 1919