True or False: You have to create a story with a specific theme in mind.
What is false?
Characters talk to each other by __________.
What is telling stories.
(Stories within Stories)
Style can reveal an author’s ______.
What is prejudices?
The way you make your audience worry.
What is suspense?
The goal of subtlety.
What is to make readers pay close attention?
Traditional symbols can seem like these.
What are clichés?
DAILY DOUBLE: It harder to make a complex structure in longer stories because of this.
What is there are more things to worry about and it takes more time?
Style sometimes has more to do with individual words and sentences than entire ______.
What is chapters and books?
Tension is created by this.
What is conflict?
What should you do to create simultaneous brain activity?
What is to break up syntax?
(Stream of Consciousness)
When critics use the word theme, they generally mean this.
What is the idea or point of a work?
Why might you want to avoid including long anecdotes in stories?
What is that readers may get annoyed that it is not the real story?
(Stories within Stories)
Opening sentences should do this.
What is attract readers?
This makes readers feel suspense better.
What is connection with the character?
Stream of consciousness writing gives readers the most ____ knowledge.
What is intimate?
(Stream of Consciousness)
True or False: Symbols should be subtly coded into your writing.
What is false?
Structure is ______. Provide an example.
What is the overall design of a work?
+ Valid Example
Three things that can contribute to style.
What are word choice, sentence structure, sentence length, paragraph style, descriptions, perceptions, focuses, rhetorical devices, and rhythm?
These two types of writing depend on suspense.
What is comic writing and serious writing?
One thing that can influence texture.
What is word choice, density of detail, complexity of imagery, character’s thoughts?
This is a symbol that would not work in a story to convey someone’s dissatisfaction with technology.
What is something obscure and hard to understand?
Explain how to following line relates to suspension of disbelief: Even magic has its rules.
What is that you can suspend disbelief, but you must keep things within the premises of your story?
(Suspension of Disbelief)
Washington wrote this opening for his story and tried to make it sound fancy. “It was a dark and tempestuous evening. Not a soul slept in peace. For the very wind and rain tormented them. ‘Woe is me! Woe is me!’ cried the college student.” A problem with Washington’s word choice might be:
What is that Washington appears to be imitating the style of other writers?
In a lot of serious fiction, the conflicts are these two things.
What is psychological and philosophical?
DAILY DOUBLE: You should aim to make your readers do this when reading to give more depth to your story?
What is to assume things when reading rather than be told literally?