What is our current largest active project in Equipware (excluding IU Health)
What is Bed Tower
True or False: Preliminary budgets are always perfectly accurate
What is you wish
Which client do we currently have the most Active Projects with
Who is Baylor (11)
What does MEQ stand for
What is Medical Equipment
Who Runs CTS
Who is Marty
(I'll also accept Anissa)
What Manufacturer/Vendor has CTS purchased the most MEQ from (Based on current Active Projects)
Who is Philips Healthcare
What system does Baylor use to issue and track requisitions
What is Ivalua
Which client gets mad at Josh Barnes for only giving 99.9% of his blood, sweat, and tears to their projects
Who is Northwestern
What Category of Equipment is ordered most by QTY?
What are Receptacles/Wastecans - 2223
Who sits diagonal from Paula
Who is Kofi
How many active project(s) does CTS have
What is 27 projects
How much does the current most expensive room cost
What is Monitoring, Telemetry (New Building) ($14,909,127)
Which client is the furthest from civilization
Who is Sage Memorial
What category of MEQ is the most money spent on (excluding Allowances)
What are X-Rays
What year was CTS Launched
What is 2016
Which project did Benn/Manuel get to enjoy sub 20 degree daily weather while Anissa was living it up on the beach in Florida with Erick
What is Northwestern Central Du Page ENT
How many requisitions have been issued across all active projects
497 Reqs
What is the current sum of all active Baptist Projects
What is $121,773,594.69
Where does most equipment live by qty:
Bonus: where does the most equiment live by cost:
Mobile (casters/wheels)
Bracket | Wall
Floor | Wall
What is the Wall (15,673 items)
Bonus: what is Mobile/Caster/Wheels ($70.382,141)
How many members are on the CTS team
What is 20 team members
What is the total amount of new items across all active projects
Bonus: What is the total amount of unique items
What is 56,489 items
What is the current total of all active projects
What is $324,338,386
What is the current sum of all active Baylor Projects
What is $169,413,269.66
Which Architectual Group has the most MEQ items by QTY
01-Fixed Equipment
02-Movable Electrical
03-Movable Non-Electrical
06-IT Computers
What is 03-Movable Non-Electric with 27,798 items
In what month did Benn join Hoefer Welker
What is March