What is...a number with a corresponding unit of measure.
What is...the process of changing a measurement with one unit of measure to an equivalent measurement with a different unit of measure.
1 part out of 100
What is...One percent (1%)
as-purchased cost
What is...the amount paid for a product in the form it was ordered and received.
What is...The total amount of money received by a foodservice operation from sales to customers.
improper fraction
What is...A fraction in which the numerator is larger than the denominator.
What is...the total quantity of a food or beverage item that is made from a standardized recipe.
edible-portion (EP) amount
What is...The amount is the amount of a food item that remains after trimming.
as-served cost
What is...the cost of a menu item as it is served to a customer.
cost of goods sold
What is...The cost of the food and beverage products purchased that are ultimately sold to customers.
mixed number
What is...A combination of a whole number and a fraction.
portion size
What is...the amount of a food or beverage item that is served to an individual person.
yield percentage
What is...percentage is the edible-portion (EP) amount of a food item divided by the as-purchased (AP) amount, expressed as a percentage.
What is...the amount added to the as-served cost of a menu item to determine a menu price.
payroll expense
What is...The expense of an operation that includes any money paid to an employee who performs work for the operation.
What is...The process of reducing the number of places in a decimal to achieve a certain degree of accuracy.
scaling factor
What the number that each ingredient amount and the recipe yield are multiplied by in order to increase or decrease a recipe.
In a vinaigrette, where the oil represents three parts out of four and the vinegar represents one part out of four, the ratio can be thought of as containing ___.
What is...3/4 oil and 1/4 vinegar
edible-portion unit cost
What is...the unit cost of a food or beverage item after taking into account the cost of the unused parts generated by trimming.
operating expense
What is...Any ordinary and necessary cost incurred by an operation as a result of carrying out day-to-day operations
What is...A fraction that is the result of switching the places of the numerator and denominator in a fraction.
equivalents that can be used to calculate how many ounces of frozen peas there are in 10 cups of frozen peas.
What is...volume-to-weight
bakers percentage
What is...When the weight of an ingredient is expressed as a percentage of the weight of the main ingredient in a formula.
target price
What is...The price that a foodservice operation needs to charge for a menu item in order to meet its target cost percentage.
What is...The amount of food and beverage products that have been purchased and are currently being stored for future use.