This learning theory looks at the mind's role in learning, memory, & building schema.
What is Cognitivism?
The part of the Lesson Plan that "hooks" students' interest in the lesson.
What is "Minds On"?
What are Overall Expectations?
What the teacher wants students to learn. Written by the Ministry of Education.
Escape, Attention, Tangible Needs, & Sensory Needs
What are the 4 most common needs driving student behaviour?
This learning theory looks at how the unique needs and abilities of individuals drive education.
What is Humanism?
The main body of the lesson when students are working toward the lesson goals.
What is the "Action" section?
Important concepts and understandings you want students to remember even if they forget the details.
What are Big Ideas or Enduring Understandings?
What the students actually learned or took away from the lesson.
What is the Experienced (Received or Lived) Curriculum?
A record of in-depth info about an individual student's strengths and needs, including assessment and attendance data.
What is a Student Profile?
This theory recognizes that understanding is constructed by the individual.
What is Constructivism?
Precautions the teacher takes to ensure no one gets hurt.
What is the safety section?
Knowledge & Understanding, Thinking, Communication, and Application
What are the Achievement Chart Categories?
This curriculum is actually what is taught by the teacher.
What is the Enacted or Implemented Curriculum?
Inspired by work in architecture, this responds to the needs of some individuals but is useful to all.
What is UDL?
This theory says people learn by identifying and remediating gaps in their knowledge.
What is Connectivism?
When students reflect and make connections to the lesson goals.
What is Consolidation?
Many and more precise goals students will learn while they are achieving the more general overarching goals set by the Ministry of Education.
What are specific expectations?
This curriculum is taught indirectly by values presented although not explicitly taught.
What is the Hidden Curriculum?
This type of teaching is characterized by open-mindedness, awareness, caring and authenticity.
What is Perceptive Teaching?
This theory recognizes that humans are driven by the need for survival, connection, power, freedom and fun.
What is the Intrinsic Motivation Theory?
This section describes how teachers will ensure ALL students will learn the lesson.
What is "Considerations for Differentiation"?
Expectations are translated into these student friendly sentences to help focus student learning.
What are learning goals and success criteria?
This curriculum is taught indirectly by omission.
What is the Null Curriculum?
Having the skills, knowledge & ability to work, teach, and interact effectively with people from different cultural backgrounds.
What is Cultural Competence?