Design student tasks
What is assignment analysis?
Share a commitment to success of each student
What/who are all staff members?
Strategic Planning
Where are we going?
Planned and coordinated classroom visits
What are learning walks?
To capture lesson on video and analyze
What is the purpose?
Professional Learning Cycle
What is identify common challenge, monitor, measure and modify collaborative planning, opening up practice, safe practice, build knowledge and skills.
The number of learning dimensions
What is five?
Put collective efficacy into motion
How do we move learning forward?
Ghost walk, capacity building learning walk, faculty learning walk
What are types of learning walks?
Before Filming and After Filming
What are productive conversations?
Foundational for collect efficacy to thrive
What is collective responsibility?
What did we learn today?
Have a goal in mind
What are effective learning walks?
Designed to motivate thinking
What are the questions?
Number of ways to guide professional learning
What is learning walks, microteaching, and assignment analysis?
Focuses on the learning of the whole staff
What is Faculty Learning Walk?
Record and set context to be viewed by team
What is a volunteer teacher?
Question and action tools to examine.
What is curriculum, assessment and instruction?
Collecting data and evidence
What is capacity building learning walk?
Builds teacher credibility
What is trust and group strength?