I need __ umbrella; it's raining outside.
I need an umbrella; it's raining outside.
The word starts with a vowel.
They live in __ small village near the coast.
They live in a small village near the coast.
Next word starts with a consonant
Apples cost $2 __ pound at the market.
Apples cost $2 a pound at the market.
a is the same as 'per' here.
She has __ few friends in the city.
She has a few friends in the city.
A few = positive focus
She has few friends in the city.
_ few = negativefocus
She is from __ United States.
She is from the United States.
Political descriptions take 'the'.
I saw __ eagle soaring above the mountains.
I saw an eagle soaring above the mountains.
The word starts with a vowel.
He was elected as __ president of the company.
He was elected as the president of the company.
There is only one
This is __ third time I've called today.
This is the third time I've called today.
Ordinal numbers use 'the'
He is suffering from __ flu.
He is suffering from 'the flu'.
'The' is used for flu, 'a is used for a cold'.
It is becaause of the development of the word 'influenza'
They sailed across __ Pacific Ocean.
They sailed across the Pacific Ocean.
Oceans use 'the'.
He is __ European citizen.
He is a European citizen.
The r sound is emphasised in Euroopean.
I have __ meeting scheduled for tomorrow.
I have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow.
There is more than one meeting in the world
He is __ best player on the team.
He is the best player on the team.
There can only be one 'best' player
They traveled to __ north during their vacation.
They traveled to the north during their vacation.
Compass directions use 'the'.
We visited __ Lake Tahoe last summer
We visited __ Lake Tahoe last summer
Lakes do not take articles.
Can you pass me __ salt, please?
Can you pass me the salt, please?
We both know which salt we are talking about.
She enjoys playing __ piano in her free time.
She enjoys playing the piano in her free time.
Musical instruments use "the."
__ Knowledge is power.
__ Knowledge is power.
Knowledge is uncountable
__ Smiths are coming over for dinner tonight.
The Smiths are coming over for dinner tonight.
Family names take "the."
I prefer studying in __ morning.
I prefer studying in the morning.
parts of the day use 'the'.
She has __ unique perspective on the issue.
She has a unique perspective on the issue.
1. It is one of many.
2. N is the dominant sound
__ Nile is the longest river in the world.
The Nile is the longest river in the world.
Rivers always take "the."
__ tiger is a majestic animal.
The tiger is a majestic animal.
'The tiger' represents all tigers.
The organization helps __ elderly.
The organization helps the elderly.
The is often used for a group of people.
There is _ little milk left in the bottle.
There is a little milk left in the bottle.
(positive focus)
There is _ little milk left in the bottle.
(negative focus)