Who do you report broken objects to? 




What time is the kitchen open for breakfast? 

Name the Sunday time as well. 

* 7:00am-9:00am Monday-Saturday 

* 7:00am-10:00am Sundays


When should laundry be completed and out of the dryer?



Name the Level Request Sheet location.

*staff's house rules binder

*Staff can print out one


Name the first thing you should do after cleaning the bathroom. 

Sign the bathroom cleaning sheet, so that everyone knows you completed it. 


What time is the kitchen open for Lunch? 

What time is the kitchen open for Dinner?

**Double points for answering both questions

*Lunch time is 11:00am-1:00pm

*Dinner time is 5:00pm-7:00pm


When should evening chores be completed?

*After dinner, before bedtime. 


Who approves level requests? 



Who makes coffee in the mornings? 


Make sure the coffee pot is ready to be made in the mornings. 


What should you do before making coaching call? 

After you've used all of your skills, spoke to staff member, and reached your support person (friends, family)


When does the kitchen close? 


*The only thing allowed out of the kitchen after this time is fruit. 


Whos responsible for the dishwasher? 

*Whoever cooks that day is responsible for emptying dishwasher

*When you notice dishwasher is full, run it

*If you dirty a dish, wash it. 


Name at least two expectations for level one.

*to remain on this level for limited amount of time

*Demonstrate ability to comply with house rules and regulations of program including active participation in weekly meetings, activities, and groups

*To demonstrate ability to comply with rules and regulations set by guardian

*To demonstrate knowledge of the name, number, and address of house

*To demonstrate basic knowledge of DBT

*To demonstrate a basic understanding of safety in and out of house

*To demonstrate Basic knowledge of kitchen safety, skills, and abilities.

*attendance of all scheduled medical and psychiatric appointments unless otherwise excused.  


What time do you need to be in your room? 

*10:00pm on week days

*11:00pm on weekends


Name three out of four things that need to be done by 9am. 

*Medications taken

*Bathroom chores done

*Dressed for the day

*Breakfast eaten (Sunday can be eaten by 10am)


Name at least three approved snack options. 

*Only fruit at evening snack times

*Any fresh fruits and veggies 

*Snack crackers 

*String Cheese 



*mixed nuts/peanuts 

*pudding cup 

*1 hard boiled egg 

*Applesauce/fruit cup 

*1 individual bag of popcorn 

*2 pickle spears


When do ice trays need to be emptied and refilled? and whos responsibility is it? 

*When ice trays are completely frozen and you notice it

*Everyone is responsible 


Name at least two expectations of level two. 

*All expectations from the previous level.

*Ability to complete personal and room care at least seventy-five (75%) percent of the time without prompting from staff.

*Ability to be up and prepared for the morning routine at least seventy-five (75%) percent of the time without prompting from staff.

*Ability to complete daily and weekly chores at least seventy-five (75%) percent of the time without prompting from staff.

*Ability to successfully use skills and coping strategies associated with DBT at least seventy-five (75%) percent of the time without prompting from staff.

*Ability to actively participate in the routine daily programming at least fifteen (15) hours per week without being prompted by staff.


After last of drink of pitcher is used.. 

Person who cleans it, when it gets refilled. 

*the pitcher gets cleaned every time someone finishes it off and then they are responsible for cleaning it with soap and water and then making more


What lights in the house can be turned off? 

**What about at night?

**Double points for answering BOTH questions**

NO lights can be shut off at ANY time, even at night. 


Name at least two of the meal substitutes.


*Your own food


*cottage cheese


*fresh fruits/veggies 


Name two things you do when cleaning the bathroom. 

*Wipe down all surfaces using spray cleaner

*Clean the toilet inside and wipe off outside

*Take out the trash and put a new liner in the trash can 

*Clean the shower/bathtub with cleaner

*Wipe off the mirror if needed 

*Mop on Sunday and Wednesdays and wipe down all baseboards and walls


Name at least two expectations of level three. 

*All expectations from the previous levels.

*Ability to complete personal and room care at lease ninety-five (95%) percent of the time without prompting from staff.

*Ability to be up and prepared for the morning at lease ninety-five (95%) of the time without prompting from staff.

*Ability to complete daily and weekly chores ninety-five (95%) of the time without prompting from staff.

*Ability to successfully use skills and coping strategies associated with DBT at least ninety-five (95%) percent of the time without prompting from staff.

*Ability to actively participate in the daily program at least twenty-four (24) hours per week.

*Ability to demonstrate a positive attitude and be a positive role model for peers and other residents.

*To be involved with a volunteer program within the community or employed part-time

* Demonstrates continuing increase in knowledge and competence in kitchen skills programming, food safety and kitchen safety.
